Lotar the Faceless Character in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Lotar the Faceless

Lotar the faceless is an orphan of the Aether. They have a tremendous desire for order and follow a path of righteousness. So it was not surprising that they ended up as Catacomb Guards when they came to Ur. There they discovered that because they no longer had a particular god to serve, they could provide a form of neutrality in dispute resolutions between the various religious factions of the catacombs. By maintaining a form of neutrality, they quickly rose in influence and prestige. Eventually they were elected to become one of the representatives of The Synod. As a representative of The Synod Lotar is responsible for resolving disputes that concern The Synod. They are seen as a pillar of The Synod widely respected for holding The Synod together.

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