Labourer's Mess Building / Landmark in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Labourer's Mess

Sphere: Academic   A vast, bustling complex at the heart of the Smoke, the Labourer's Mess is a network of taverns, kitchens and barebones hostelries underwritten by the Grand Crafters of Advocate's Hall. Part charitable venture, part pragmatic consideration, the Mess serves reasonable food and drink at a very low price to workers in Guild-affiliated workshops and forges, as well as providing them with a place to sleep.   The Mess is always busy, and usually has the pleasant atmosphere associated with craftsmen who have worked hard and are proud of their work. Business rivalries occasionally blossom into actual fights, but the Mess Guard are quick to step in - injuries are bad for business, after all.   Dozens of secret societies and coteries exist within the Mess - some devoted to the worship of particular gods or philosophies, others to deciphering the secrets of their masters or discovering brand new ones. While these societies occasionally come into conflict with the Grand Crafters, they are generally seen as a healthy outlet for the participants.
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