Halein Michel-Osmanali ☺ Character in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Halein Michel-Osmanali ☺

Sphere: Reborn, PC   "The Most Honourable, Marquess Halein ul Dakkon Velsari du Temperance Michel-Osmanali III"   Halein Michel-Osmanali, self-styled as the 'Most Honourable Marquess Halein Ul Dakkon Velsari du Temperance Michel-Osmanali III' - known socially as Temperance, is an elderly and eccentric nobleman and high standing member of the Reborn. Years ago he developed clairvoyant abilities, and more importantly, gained personal power of attorney - and played a critical role in saving the city of Ur from the Heir.   In recent years, Temperance has been focused on his philanthropic activities, official duties with the reborn, and hosting dinner parties for the elite of society  


Temperance is every bit the eccentric nobleman, wearing ornate dresses years out of fashion - inlaid with devotional script of the Reborn that jingles with every movement. He is starting to show his age, and now walks with a simple walking stick.   His pet cane died years ago, but his stoic manservant, Cantor, is always by his side
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