Armourer Cora Fiolo-Nebuli Character in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Armourer Cora Fiolo-Nebuli

Sphere: Academic   The Armourer, as she is more often known, oversees the Cult of Smoke's investment and activities in the Smoke District .   Although the Cult once controlled the entire district (hence its original naming), much of it is now in independent hands, but the Armourer makes sure to maintain a controlling interest in enough smithies and workshops to keep the Cult well-supplied with esoteric weaponry.   The Armourer herself is an elderly, cheerful Dwarren, plying her clients with home-baked cakes. The wise know that appearances are deceptive - but three years ago, she defeated a champion of the Knights of the Road in a rooftop chase and combat, one reason the Knights tend to stay away from the Smoke for the moment.

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