Wendikal Species in Ur'Den | World Anvil
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The Wendikal are a species of sapient mammalian humanoids. Their most distinctive feature is the bony crests and protrusions that give them a distinctly skeletal appearance. Wendikal are found across the southern regions of Ur'En, with large populations present in The Howling Woods, Southern Steppe and Azure Fields. They form tight knit packs that cooperate together to hunt large mega-fauna. Most Wenikal subscribe to Animism as their culture is intricately tied to nature. They have a somewhat antagonistic relationship with other peoples, having fought many battles against the colonization of their territory. In recent decades, an alliance of many packs has coalesced into a proto-state referred to as the Wendikal Clans.

Basic Information


Wendikals have canine features including thick fur, long shouts with a set of sharp teeth. They walk on two digitagrade legs. Wendikal have a number of bony plates on their bodies, most distinctively on their heads which resemble a skill that had the flesh peeled away. Both males and females also grow a set of antlers although male's tend to be larger. These plates are similar to their antlers and will continue to grow throughout their lives, occasionally shedding them should they become damaged. The plates help protect the Wedikals from damage and also function as secondary defensive weaponry. Their fur colors range from white, greys and blacks to browns, tans and reds.

Ecology and Habitats

Wendikals prefer the cooler climates of the south. Much of their habitat is wooded, and they are well adapted to hunting in the forests. Their thick fur allows them to continue hunting during winter while many other predators have gone into hibernation. It also extends their range far further south, even without the assistance of heavy clothing or magic.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wendikals are obligate carnivores. They hunt in packs using tactics and tools to take down prey much larger than themselves. When large prey becomes scarce during winter, they will often supplement their diets with fish or small game. In desperate times, they will forage berries and other high calorie plant matter such as roots or edible seeds.

Biological Cycle

Wendikal seem to be intrinsically linked to the phases of Dis, both biologically and socially. They can tell the current phase of the moon instinctively. They also frequently use the moon both to mark the passage of time but also navigation, able to detect subtle changes in its orbit based on latitude. 

Wendikal's fur adjusts to the seasons, growing thicker fur in the winter and shedding when the temperatures begin to rise once more.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Wendikal's basic social unit is a pack made up of 5-20 individuals. Packs are led by a dominant breeding pair, called Alphas. The pack hierarchy extends downward depending on how many members it has, although this system isn't a simple one. While the alpha pair are clearly on top, the other ranks are not uniformly ordered and even the alphas will heed the words of those below them in certain situations.

Sometimes, several packs will unite to form a clan for better access to food and mutual security. They will only form clans when an area can support the increased population density. Rarely but not unheard of, several clans will gather to form something resembling a community. This is usually in response to an outside threat, but has become increasingly common as Wendikal's ancestral land becomes smaller and smaller, forcing them to band together, be assimilated or perish.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wendikals have several keen senses. They have large external ears that give them excellent hearing. Their noses allow them to track using scent over great distances and their eyes can see into the ultraviolet range, giving them strong vision even at night.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Wendikal are given simple temporary names at birth such as Grish, Locke, and Calf. They carry these names until their first successful hunt, after which, a clan elder will bestow a fitting name to the youth. These names translated from Wendikal Clans are often short phrases, pertaining to either an accomplishment or personality trait. Some sample names and their translations are:
  • Bristlevark'Solandar (He-Who-Tames-The-Sun)
  • Klandistltinvar'Gnarlit (She-Who-Walks-The-River)
  • Tristevelia'Korishaka (One-Who-Slew-The-Worm)

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Wendikal speak Wendlish. Elders and Alphas are taught to read and write in Wendlish. Speakers from east and west of the White-Bone-Teeth Mountains have dialects that are distinct enough for even some outsiders to pick up on.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The most core aspect of Wendikal culture is the hunt. Much of their traditional daily life is centered around either preparations for or conducting of a hunt. Settled Wendikal will often frame daily activities in a manner similar to a hunt. Ever able-bodied individual of a pack will be expected to participate in some way, with only the elderly, and the very young exempt. They see themselves first and foremost as predators but their relationship with prey is complex. Wendikal will often thank the prey after a kill, and use as much of the animal as possible. They will take care not to overhunt, lest their source of food be overtaxed, leading to their own starvation.

Wendical are not true nomads. Each pack claims a territory, with the size depending on density of prey. Packs will sometimes clash over territory should food become scarce. Packs typically have a home within their territory with permanent structures where those not able to hunt stay and to which they return when a hunt is successful. The largest of these settlements can house several clans and rival small cities in population.
Wendikal see themselves as a part of the natural order, and not above it. Most Wendikal subscribe to the philosophy of Animism , even if they cannot articulate its principles. They revere spirits of rivers, trees and animals, whom they treat as having a personal connection to them. Dis is seen as a paternal figure in many legends and features prominently in their culture.

Common Taboos

Wastefulness and decadence is considered to be highly distasteful among the austere Wendikal, living a mostly substance lifestyle. Although such resplendence has a certain allure to them as well. Many harbor secret desires to flaunt their excess and indulge in acts of greed, gluttony and avarice.


The Wendikal Clans have occupied the southern reaches of Ur'En dating back to before recorded history. For most of their history, they did not have written language, only adopting it after exposure to other cultures. Much of their history over the last millennia involves different disputes with other cultures as they steadily lose ground and territory. The Wendikal would raid towns and villages in the night, leading them to become the boogeymen of other cultures. For their part, the Wendikal often saw the migrations of other peoples as invasions on their territory and responded accordingly, since in their culture, they do not distinguish combatants and civilians. This has led to frequent efforts to eradicate all Wendikal, leading to atrocities committed by and against the clans. But the clans are slowly losing this protracted struggle agaisnt the settled peoples. The larger, more organized armies of the Shivra and Rajji have pushed many Wedikal clans further and further south.

In more recent times, some clans have decided a change in strategy might ensure their continued survival. Many clans have become erstwhile trading partners with the settled peoples, providing furs, fish and timber in exchange for other goods while others sell their services as guides, mercenaries and shamans. This has caused a rift in their communities, with some wanting to continue the fight against the invaders while others have accepted foreign presence is a fact of life. This means many Wendikal are painted with the same broad brush, not helped by the centuries of antagonism that preceded it.

Wendikal packs have also begun to spread from their ancestral homelands. Some have joined the Radashi of the Azure Fields to create Skeggi culture. Some few have even settled in foreign cities, assimilating into their communities as best they can. These Wendikal are sometimes viewed with disdain, having abandoned the old ways and joined the enemy as traitors. Still, the ways of the outsiders are increasingly appealing as all but the most staunch traditionalists have taken up some of the other people's ways and products. After all, hunting becomes much easier with an iron-tipped spear than with a sharpened stick.
60-80 years
Average Height
5-6.5 ft.
Average Weight
125-200 lbs
Related Ethnicities


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