Potion Magic in United Britannia and Hibernia | World Anvil
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Potion Magic

Potion Magic is a type (or branch) of magic that exists in the world of United Britannia and Hibernia.   Potion Magic is similar to Psychic Magic in that anyone can mix a potion, but it requires Potion Magic in order to be used.


Because of the dangers of Potion Magic, it is heavily regulated by the Council. (The magic itself isn't regulated, but the potions produced are.) However, there is a thriving black market for illegal potions in the Agora Quarter. Potion witches caught producing illegal potions are punished severely to discourage illegal potion use.


Most Potion witches can produce any potion, but most specialize in certain types of potions. For instance, Michael Cross specializes in healing potions, while another Potion witch may specialize in producing enhancement potions.
Born with Potion Magic: Michael Cross    About 20% of witches are born with Potion Magic.

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Cover image: Candle by Borkia


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