Sigothruh Character in Undinia | World Anvil
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Sigothruh (Sigo-th-rew)

Sigothruh , God of death

The old draconic god of death, Sigothruh was said to judge those who died deciding who is sent to the void and who gets to journey on to the Ruby Palace. Depicted as a Topaz Dragonborn holding a dragon's skull and a scroll.   His clergy members wear dark grey robes and a topaz skull mask, though what's skull varies from cleric to cleric. They also carry a shovel axe that can be dig graves and in self-defense.  

No secrets in death

It is said that Sigothruh knows all secrets and sees through all deceptions. The scroll he carries is said to hold the full life of the spirit before him, revealing all.  

From death, new life

The Draconic believed life came from death, and undeath was a desiccation of this order. Part of the clerics mandate was to kill undead, binding and burying the bodies, allowing decomposition and allowing nuteriants to return to the ground.

Divine Domains

Death, Judge of the dead

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Topaz skull
Main Sanctuary: Vakava
Divine Classification
True netural
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Topaz bones


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