Ormons Settlement in Undinia | World Anvil
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The city of a thousand smells is reportedly the first stop on the spice road east. The only true city in Basq, Ormons is officially the duchy Capital, though no local calls it as such.  


The city dates back to the Phervian Empire in Rivell, though it was never under it. A primary Human and Dwarf city, many water-touched lived in the city. The city became a trade hub between the lands to the east and the west. As trade flowed through the city, it was able to expand and take over the surrounding area, even building fortifications in the Rivell Mountains to defend its lands. In the Rebel Age, Ormons ceased to be the seat of power in favor of the new fortress.   During the blood age, the Kingdom of Rivell conquered the city, where it officially named Ormons as the duchy capital, but none of the locals listened. This would be the case till Ormons joined the rest of Basq in open rebellion against Rivell, funding the campaign and supplying eastern mercenaries.  


Unlike most cities, Ormons has no proper plan. It has a main road going from the dock to the main gate, as well as several main avenues going off of it, however, the majority of the city is narrow streets with shops and houses mixed together. several small squares dot the city for markets and other facilities.   The more open dock area is separated into three sections, the central and biggest is the trade docks with several ships moored from the east at any one time, this holds various stone warehouses and larger stone dock piers. The west dock is more rundown and made mostly of wood, it also holds a few smokehouses and is the fishing dock. This final eastern dock is pure stone and also holds barracks and shipbuilders, this is home to the Rivell sea fleet. The Princess Tower stands a mile off the coast of the city.
Founding Date
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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