Draconic revolt Military Conflict in Undinia | World Anvil
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Draconic revolt

In 258 Chroma the second Draconic empire imploded into rebellion, dividing the empire and the Dragonborn race.

The Conflict


As Dragon queen Essyrri and her commander Vupeiss continued in their wars of expansion, more resources were rerouted to the army causing the situation of the lower classes of the second Draconic empire to become worse as famine and disease started becoming a yearly occurrence during the winter. The final straw was the defeat against the shifter army which caused a mass draft, meaning fields were left unharvested, causing mass famine in the lower and middle classes.


While no official deployment existed in the conflict, most draconian cities had fighting between the lower classes and the guards. It was a similar situation in the military camps and those loyal, fought deserters, with several Dragons were deployed to larger areas of rebellion.


Both sides had little in the way of supplies and similar equipment, towards the end of the conflict a lot of warriors on both sides had severe injuries.

The Engagement

The rebels primarily used hit-and-run tactics as well as ambushes, trying to avoid direct confrontation with Dragons. When a Dragon was brought to bare, the battle was short and brutal.


Though the Dragon Queen won, her population had been decimated, and the supplies and food for the nation were empty. The Second Draconic Empire collapsed within a decade of the rebellion.


It would take a few centuries for Drakai to recover as a city, and wouldn't be till the late Chroma when the Draconic empire was redeclared.   Though the Rebels lost, several who broke free of the tyranny were said to form a secret group that worked to oppose the Chromatic great wyrms. It is rumored that one from this group corrupted the Divine Elixir meant for Raviwrar, turning him into an undead horror.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
258 Chroma
Ending Date
293 Chroma
Conflict Result
Dragon Queen victory


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