Crystalbeak Crows: Givers of Spells in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Crystalbeak Crows: Givers of Spells

In the heart of Ell Brich, where the crystal forests stood resplendent and mysterious, there lived a humble mage named Elowen. She had heard countless tales of the enigmatic Crystalbeak Crows from her grandmother, stories that had captured her imagination since childhood. These tales spoke of crows with beaks of translucent crystal, guardians of hidden magical treasures and keepers of secrets whispered by the realm itself.   Elowen also came to Ell Brich to find a ong-lost incantation. She had dreamed about the spell adn that it was hidden in the heart of the crystal forests. Her grandmother had told her that the Raven God, Zinja, had stolen from his father, Kenus god of magic. As the story went Zinja stole this spell and gave it to his uncle Qaydith in order to become a member of the Sruojyā Cintemu Rethī faith. A cult that only worshipped gods connected to Qaydith. Elowen had made it her life's mission to find this lost spell and reurn it to Kenus.     As she wandered deeper into the forest, she couldn't help but admire the Annsch Hannsch trees, their living crystal branches refracting the feeble light in dazzling patterns. The forest was alive with a silent symphony of nature, and Elowen felt a sense of awe and reverence. She truly walking in the realm of one of the gods.   As she walked, her senses became more attuned to the mystical energy that permeated the realm. She felt the presence of the Crystalbeak Crows long before she saw them. Her magical sensitivity tingled, and she knew she was nearing one of their territories. With a deep breath Elowen followed her instincts, weaving through the crystal-laden branches. Until she stumbled upon a clearing bathed in soft, silvery light. There, perched on the crystalline branches, were two Crystalbeak Crows. Their glossy black feathers shimmered, and their iridescent eyes seemed to hold the secrets of the cosmos as they glowed eerily.   She watched in hushed awe as they communicated through a series of intricate caws and calls. Their songs were not just melodic; they seemed to carry an ancient wisdom, a connection to the very essence of Ell Brich. Elowen could feel the magic in the air, swirling around her like a gentle embrace. She started to wonder if these birds were also connected to Zinja, like the Runed Raven.   One of the crows, with a beak that glowed with a soft, eerie green, hopped down from its perch and approached her cautiously. Elowen held her breath, not wanting to startle the magnificent creature. The crow extended its crystal beak towards her, as if offering a precious gem. In its beak, there was a small, pulsating crystal that seemed to resonate with the enchantment of the realm.   With trembling hands, Elowen accepted the forbidden gift, her heart brimming with gratitude. She knew that this was no ordinary crystal; it held the key to the incantation she sought. The crow tilted its head, as if acknowledging her purpose.   As Elowen continued her journey through Ell Brich, guided by the mystical energies and the precious crystal, she couldn't help but feel a deep connection to the Crystalbeak Crows and the enchanting realm they called home. She knew that she had been touched by the magic of Ell Brich and that her encounter with the crows was a testament to the realm's enduring mysteries.   Where other would have found this comforting, Elowen found it disbrubing. After all she was here to steal the spell that was in her hand. She held out a hand to call on her god's magic to allow her to leave the frozen realm. No protal came to her. She was trapped in the world of the frozen gods.