Crystalbeak Crows Species in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Crystalbeak Crows

Crystalbeak Crows, are denizens of the mystical realm of Ell Brich , are striking avian beings resembling ordinary crows but with unique, magical attributes. They possess iridescent eyes and translucent crystal beaks, their most distinguishing feature. Larger than their counterparts, they navigate the realm's perpetual twilight with grace.   They live in small flocks within crystal forests, where living crystal trees, called Annsch Hannsch, bear magical fruits. Crystalbeak Crows feed on these and excel at harvesting valuable crystals from their surroundings. They also have magical abilities that include heightened sensitivity to magic, extrasensory perceptions, and some individuals exhibit psionic talents. This enables them to serve as mystical guardians, messengers, and guides in Ell Brich.   Intricately tied to the realm's balance, their role extends to environmental protection and ritualistic significance. However, they face the risk of exploitation due to their prized crystal beaks, feathers, and bones. They are shy and tend to avoid poeple because they are smart enough to know that they are valuable.

Basic Information


Crystalbeak Crows are striking avian beings that possess a unique combination of features and crystal features that set them apart from ordinary crows. Their anatomy is both graceful and mysterious, which makes them perfectly adapted to the ethereal realm of Qaydith.

Body Structure

These crows are slightly larfer than normal crows and they are smaller than Runed Raven. Crystalbeak Crows have a wingspan that ranges between eighteen inches to twenty inches. From tail to beak they measure in around eighten inches to twenty-two inches.    Their feathers are predominantly a deep, glossy black. This makes them look a little shiny when in dim light. Their dark feathers seem to highlight to odd bauety of their more crystal-like features. These feathers make them look other worldly and a bit ghostly when they fly. Intricate, frost-like patterns are etched into their wing feathers, resembling delicate ice formations. Adding to the overall eeriness of the bird. Instead of traditional black tail feathers, Crystalbeak Crows have tail feathers adorned with crystal-like protrusions, resembling miniature, translucent icicles.    Their eyes shimmer with an iridescent glow, displaying shades of pale blue, icy silver, or an eerie, ethereal green. The crystal features that they have tend to the same color as their eyes. The other more shimmerig parts of the birds also seem to have these kinds of colors.

Head and Beak

The one thing that stands out that the Crystalbeak Crows have is their beak. They are named for it after all. Their beaks are made out of translucent crystal. This organic crystal is razor-sharp. The beak is elonagated and pointed. This makes it easier for the crow to chip away at crystal barks to eat.    Normal crows have nice sleek heads, but the Crystalbeak does not. The Crystalbeak has a crest of feathers. These are longer feathers that make a nice little crow on their heads. These crowns are very glossy and shiny.

Limbs and Musculature

Their legs are slender and graceful, ending in clawed feet with a crystalline texture, which provides a unique grip on icy surfaces. This grip mkes it so they don't slip when they land. Their claws are sharp and can pierce crystal and ice.   Crystalbeak Crows have strong and well-muscled wings that enable them to soar gracefully through the frozen skies of the realm. They are very strong birds and don't seem to bothered by high winds and cold temptures. Watching them fly might lead one to asume that they are not flying in a V pattern. That is when a bird flies up and then glides down. They seem to fly in a shorted V pattern and they seem to always be gliding.

Posture and Movement

These crows carry themselves with an air of elegance and poise, their arched necks and upright stance adding to their regal appearance. They seem to move with little to no effort. These crows also seem to think that they rule the skies of Ell Brich.   In flight, they move with fluidity and precision, their wings cutting through the chilly air with ease. This is supported by the fact that seem to be strong fliers. They don't seem to use a V or W pattern when flying. These patterns of flght are common with other kinds of birds.

Function and Role

Crystalbeak Crows play a pivotal role in harvesting valuable crystals from the realm's icy trees and rocks. Their sharp crystal beaks allow them to delicately extract precious gems. Their beaks are strong and are sometimes more valuble than the crystals that they harvest.   Some Crystalbeak Crows are appointed as guardians of valuable crystal deposits or ancient ruins. They fiercely protect these sites, using their crystalline beaks as formidable weapons against intruders. They seem to assigned these roles by either Qaydih or his nephew Zinja.   They are also known for their haunting, melodious songs, which are believed to reveal hidden veins of valuable crystals beneath the ice and rock. Making them a favorite compain for those looking to strike it rich. They can also be taught to sing on command.

Genetics and Reproduction


The beaks that the Crystalbeak Crows are known for are a hereditary trait. The presence of a crystal beak in Crystalbeak Crows may be a hereditary trait passed down through generations. It could be the result of a rare genetic mutation or a specific gene that encodes for the development of the crystal beak.   The beak is widely believed to be some kind of mutataion that turned into ta genitic trait. The Crystalbeak use to be a Runed Raven. They were then braught to Ell Brich where they had to adpat tot he new colder and darket envorment. The mutantion might have also been magical placed and then breed into the crows.   Some inherited traits that the Crystalbeak Crows might have are other characteristics, such as their iridescent eyes, enhanced low-light vision, or heightened magical sensitivity, through a combination of genetic factors. These traits could be linked to their unique abilities and roles in the realm. This could also be their eye color and the patterns that are on their wings.


There are some in Ell Brich that selectively breed the Crystalbeak Crow. These breeds try to enhance or maintain the traits that the crows have. But in order to do this perfectly they need to understand breeding patterns of these bird when they are in the wild.   Crystalbeak Crows engage in elaborate courtship rituals that involve aerial displays, vocalizations, and the exchange of precious crystals as offerings. These rituals serve to strengthen bonds between mates. They also seem to mate for life.   They build intricate nests high in the icy trees or atop tall spires. When crafting the nests the crows use twigs, feathers, and crystals. These nests serve as both shelter and a place to incubate their eggs. Once the nests is done being built it looks like a little house made of crystal.   Crystalbeak Crows lay small clutches of eggs, typically containing two to four eggs per clutch. The eggs have a unique crystalline appearance. The eggs are often a cool gray with green swirls. The green relfect light making them easier to see in the dark.   Both parents take turns incubating the eggs and caring for the hatchlings. Their commitment to nurturing their young mirrors their devotion to their roles in the realm. Both parents also seem to be very good parents. As the Crystalbeaks Crows are not known to eat their young.   Young Crystalbeak Crows undergo a period of growth and development during which they learn to harness their unique abilities. Parents and older members of the community play a role in teaching and mentoring the fledglings. When Crystalbeak Crows reach maturity their crystal beaks and other unique traits become fully developed. Upon reaching maturity, they assume their roles as crystal harvesters, guardians, and envoys within the realm.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rate of Crystalbeak Crows is slower compared to some other bird species. It takes several years for them to reach full maturity, during which time they acquire their unique abilities and develop their distinctive features. Let's look at the six stages in a Crystalbeak's life.   First, we have the hatchling stage. This is after they hatch from their eggs. They remain hatchlings until they are two months old. Crystalbeak Crow hatchlings are hatched with dark feathers and small, translucent beaks. They are highly vulnerable during this stage and rely entirely on their parents for nourishment and protection. At this early stage, their iridescent eyes have not fully developed, and they are unable to use their crystal beaks. Simply put, the hatchling cannot fly or see during the first two months of life.   Second, we have the juvenile stage. This stage starts around the end of the scond month of the crow's life. This stage can last up to six monthes. As they grow, juvenile Crystalbeak Crows begin to display their iridescent eyes, which gradually become more vibrant. They also start experimenting with using their crystal beaks to peck at objects and to communicate with other members of their flock. During this time, they primarily learn basic survival skills, such as foraging for food. They also learn to fly at this stage as well.   Third, we have the adolescent stage. This stage starts at the end of the sixth month and ends when the crow turns two years old. Adolescents become more independent and capable of using their crystal beaks for practical tasks, such as extracting small crystals from rocks and assisting with nest construction. They also begin to explore the realm more extensively and may take on minor roles in guarding or harvesting under the guidance of older members. They also start mutling their baby feathers to grow in their adult feathers.   Fourth, we have the young adults stage of life. Once a crow turns three they are now a young adlut. Young adult Crystalbeak Crows are considered fully mature in terms of physical development. Their crystal beaks have reached their maximum size and sharpness. They are now skilled at harvesting valuable crystals, guarding sites of importance, and utilizing their extrasensory abilities, such as magical sensitivity and emotional resonance. They can also start to have families of their own.   The fifth stage of life is the mature adult stage. This starts when the crow turns five. At this stage, Crystalbeak Crows have fully honed their abilities and taken on significant responsibilities within the realm. They may become leaders of their flocks or specialized in specific roles, such as finding food and water.   The sixth stage of life is the elder stage. Crystalbeak Crows can live for several decades, and the oldest among them are regarded as Elders. They are repositories of knowledge, possessing a deep understanding of the realm's history and secrets. Elders often guide the younger generations and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance and order of the flock. It is a real shame that they can not speak the common laungue.

Ecology and Habitats

Crystalbeak Crows call the crystal forests home. These forest can be found in almost anywhere in Ell Brich. The crows can be seen perched on branches made of living crystal. These crystal trees are be their primary nesting sites and source of food, providing them with both shelter and sustenance. These trees are called Annsch Hannsch, or gem trees. They are common in Ell Brich while being rare outside of it.   The Annsch Hannsch refract and scatter the dim light of the realm in enchanting ways, creating a mesmerizing display of iridescence. This makes it easier for the crows to blend into the forest. Most hear them before seeing them. The crows' dark feathers provide natural camouflage against the reflective surfaces of the crystal trees, helping them blend into their surroundings and making it easier to spot potential threats or prey.   Crystalbeak Crows have a harmonious and symbiotic relationship with the crystal forest. They primary live in the Annsch Hannsch trees of the forest. This is useful to the tree because the crows help in the pollination of the trees by spreading pollen from tree to tree as they feed on the fruit, ensuring the continued growth and vitality of the forest. It is a win-win for the forest and crows. The crows get something to eat and the trees get pullinated.   The crows have heightened environmental awareness. They could sense disturbances in the magical energies of the trees and respond to changes in the realm's balance, serving as natural guardians of their habitat. This also makes them very important to the study of the forest. The crows can serve as an early warning of sickness or evenormental changes. Since th crows have a deep cconnection to the forest them seem to also be connected to the frozen elements of Ell Brich.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Crystalbeak Crows feed on the crystalline fruit that grows on Annsch Hannsch trees. The fruits are rich in magical energy and essential nutrients, sustaining the crows while enhancing their magical abilities and sensitivity.


Like regular crows, Crystalbeak Crows exhibit high levels of intelligence and curiosity. They are resourceful and quick learners, often engaging in problem-solving activities and exploring their environment to discover food and hidden crystals. This also makes them easy to train. They can be trained to gaurd sites of importantance or to carry messages.   Crystalbeak Crows maintain a social structure, often living in small flocks or communities. They engage in cooperative behaviors, such as foraging together and protecting their territory. These social bonds are crucial for their survival in Ell Brich. They are also seen playing some games together. The younger ones tend to take a twig andd play a game that looks like tug-of-war. Often an older member of the folk will watch to make sure that the game is fair. Crystalbeak Crows have a strong sense of community. They work collectively to protect the crystal forests, guard against threats, and ensure the well-being of their fellow crows.   Crystalbeak Crows establish territories within the crystal forests. They then guard their nests and crystal-rich feeding areas. They engage in vocalizations and displays to assert their dominance and maintain territorial boundaries. They are also seen giving gifts of crystals to other folks in order to hunt in each others territories.   Communication among Crystalbeak Crows involves a complex system of caws, calls, and body language. Their telepathic and psionic abilities enhance their capacity to convey information silently when necessary, making them effective at relaying messages or warnings. Amoung their calls are enchanting songs that sounds like a song birds' song. But is is fact one of these enchanting crows. They seem to only caw at each other to give warnings.   These crows are resourceful in using their magic abilities for practical purposes. They use their crystal beaks to extract valuable crystals or harness their magical sensitivity to locate hidden sources of food and magic. Since everything in Ell Brich has a slight magical charge they use their ability to dectect magic to find food.   The crows' heightened magical sensitivity give them a natural instinct for guarding magical artifacts, sites, and secrets within the realm. They act as guardians to these mystical elements, ensuring their preservation. Normally they don't have to be trained to do this. They do need to be trained to let some people through though. Luckily the crows accept food as payment for passage into these magic rich areas.   Crystalbeak Crows' extrasensory abilities make them highly attuned to the emotions of other beings, allowing them to sense fear, anger, and anxiety. This ability helps them identify potential threats or individuals with hostile intentions. It also makes it easier for them to gaurd sites of importance. Their ability to feel emotions also means that they are a favorite to use as song birds.   Crystalbeak Crows are adaptable creatures, capable of adjusting their behavior and strategies in response to changes in the realm. Their ability to harness magic and extrasensory perception allow them to thrive in the ever-still landscape of Ell Brich.

Additional Information


Domesticating Crystalbeak Crows i would be a challenging endeavor, given their unique magical abilities and connection to the mystical environment. However, if someone were determined to domesticate them, it might involve a few things. Like building trust or making a bond with them.   Establishing trust would be the first and most crucial step. Crystalbeak Crows are intelligent and cautious birds, so gaining their trust would require patience, consistency, and respect for their natural instincts. One way to go about this would be to provide a consistent source of nourishment and suitable shelter. This might involve cultivating crystal trees and fruit-bearing plants within a controlled environment to ensure a stable food supply. There would also have to be drinking water the crow as well.   Those attempting domestication would need to forge a magical bond with the crows. This would involve developing magical abilities or artifacts that resonate with the crows' own magical sensitivity. Such a bond might be seen as a form of communication and trust-building.   Demonstrating that the domestication process benefits both the Crystalbeak Crows and the individuals attempting it would be crucial. For example, the crows could assist in crystal harvesting or act as guardians in exchange for food, protection, or other forms of care.   To successfully domesticate Crystalbeak Crows, individuals would need a deep understanding of their psychology, behaviors, and instincts. This would include recognizing their heightened sensitivity to magic and emotions. Once this understanding is reached it will be time to start training the crow.   Training the crows to perform specific tasks or respond to commands would require patience and positive reinforcement. Their intelligence and adaptability would be assets in this regard. This makes them easy to train.   If the domestication of Crystalbeak Crows were to succeed, it would need to become a part of the cultural fabric of Ell Brich. The crows might become revered companions and allies, with their unique abilities benefiting the entire realm. But it is unknown if this couls happen. The cold realm of Qaydith is not known for its trusting nature. It's important to note that domesticating Crystalbeak Crows would be a highly speculative and challenging endeavor, considering their magical nature and connection to the realm. Success would likely depend on the unique circumstances, individuals attempting the domestication, and the level of trust and mutual benefit established between the crows and those seeking to domesticate them. Such a thing would be hard to find in Qaydith's realm.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Crystalbeak Crows are expert crystal harvesters, using their sharp beaks to extract valuable crystals from the realm's crystal forests. The crystals harvested by the crows are highly sought after for their magical properties and potential applications in enchantments and rituals. The crows have the ability to harvest these crystals with out damaging them. This what makes the crystal so sought after.   The crystal beaks of these crows are prized for their magical resonance. Craftsmen and enchanters utilize the crystal beaks to create powerful magical artifacts, amulets, and jewelry. The beaks are used as a central component in the construction of these items, enhancing their mystical properties. The beaks might be able to store some magic in them as well. This makes the artifact even stronger.   The feathers and other body parts of Crystalbeak Crows are used in the creation of magical potions and elixirs. Their feathers are known for amplifying the effects of certain potions, while their bones or talons are utilized as stirring or mixing instruments in alchemical processes. Since they are rare there are better instruments and ingrates for these potions.   In some cases, Crystalbeak Crows could be employed as sentinels or guardians of valuable crystal deposits, magical artifacts, or mystical sites. Their extrasensory abilities and innate connection to magic make them adept at detecting and deterring intruders. This is common with tamed crows. Crystalbeak Crows with psionic abilities can serve as messengers within the realm, relaying telepathic messages between individuals or groups. This service is in high demand for conveying secrets or important information discreetly.   Unfortunately, there are exploitative practices in which Crystalbeak Crows are hunted or captured for ritualistic purposes. Their magical properties and connection to the supernatural make them sought-after sacrifices in dark rituals or ceremonies. These ceremonies seem to be tied to the god of night and ravens, Zinja.   Some individuals in Ell Brich seek to exploit the guidance and insights offered by Crystalbeak Crows during heightened states of perception near powerful crystals. These crows are kept or employed as mystical guides for individuals embarking on quests or seeking answers.   The feathers, bones, and other non-beak parts of Crystalbeak Crows are used in the creation of decorative crafts, talismans, or tools with magical significance. For example, their feathers are incorporated into ceremonial robes or headdresses. Normally robes that the priest of Zinja wear, since the Runed Raven is too sacred to the god.   Crystalbeak Crow beaks, when properly treated and reinforced, are used to craft weapons with enhanced magical properties. These weapons are be capable of channeling elemental magic or delivering devastating spells in battle. But since a lot of crows would have to die to make one of these weapons they are uncommon. It is more likely to find a waepon with a hilt that has a gem on it. That gem would have been the beak.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Starting out with the basic senses, Crystalbeak Crows, can see, hear, taste, and smell. Do their cold evriment they are adpot at living in frost forests. Lat's break down their basic senses so wee can learn more about them.   First, we have vision. The most basic of senses that make living so much easier. The Crystalbeak Crows have exceptional low-light vision, enabling them to see clearly even in the dim and perpetual twilight of Ell Brich. Their eyes are adapted to capture the faintest glimmers of light and movement in the shadows.   They can also detect heat signatures. This allows them to spot potential prey or intruders by the thermal radiation they emit. This infrared sensitivity is particularly useful when navigating through the realm's chilling darkness. It is also possible that they can choose when they want to heat singtures.   Crystalbeak Crows have remarkable depth perception, which aids them in flying swiftly and accurately through the intricate terrain of the realm, avoiding obstacles and hazards. This is a useful skill when flying near ice. They can tell if they are about to fly into a sheet of ice.   The second basic sense that they have is hearing. Their hearing is highly developed, allowing them to pick up on subtle sounds, including the softest footfalls on the frozen ground, the rustling of concealed creatures, and the eerie whispers of the realm's secrets. According to folklore their songs are retellings of secrects they have heard.   While primarily visual creatures, Crystalbeak Crows possess limited echolocation abilities. They emit high-frequency clicks when navigating areas with low visibility, such as dense mist or darkness. These echoes bounce back, helping them create a mental map of their surroundings. This makes it easier to fly in shadowy places. They also seem to never get lost.   The last of the basic senses that the crow has are taste and smell. Like other birds, Crystalbeak Crows have taste receptors, although their taste is more utilitarian. These crows don't eat for the pleasure of eating. They eat because they have too so their sense of taste is limited but useful to them. They can discern between different types of food to determine what is safe or nutritious for consumption.   While their sense of smell is not as pronounced as their vision or hearing, they can detect scents associated with certain magical anomalies or hidden substances. This ability helps them locate magical artifacts or concealed crystals. But only in a two yard raduis.

Extrasenory Capabilites

The Crystalbeak Crows have two main aibilies that are not relateed to normal sensing. They have the ability to detect magical auras and they have a psionic awarenness. These abilities help them a few different ways.   First, we have their ability to detect magical auras. Crystalbeak Crows possess an innate sensitivity to magic. They can perceive the presence and strength of magical auras, helping them locate areas rich in magical energy or uncover hidden enchantments. This makes it easier for them to find prey and gemstones.   Second, we have their psionic awareness abiilty. It is important to note that not all of these crows have this ability. Some Crystalbeak Crows have developed psionic abilities that enable them to perceive the thoughts and emotions of other beings within their proximity. This psionic awareness aids in communication and identifying individuals with hostile intentions.   In summary, Crystalbeak Crows possess a suite of sensory abilities tailored to their unique environment. Their keen vision, enhanced low-light vision, and infrared sensitivity allow them to navigate in near-total darkness. Their acute hearing, coupled with limited echolocation, helps them detect sounds and movement in the eerie quietude of their domain. While their taste and smell are more utilitarian, their magical sensitivity, including the ability to detect magical auras and psionic awareness, makes them invaluable as guardians and harvesters within the mystical and chilling realm.
Genetic Ancestor(s)