The Infinite Forest Geographic Location in Ultimus | World Anvil
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The Infinite Forest

Where the wilds thrive

What Was Described So Far

Ver is just one of the main countries/regions in southern Union completed overtaken by nature. As vaguely explained in Ultimus: Summer Camp 2019 Edition!, the forest of Union plays host to countless nomadic tribes, privatized buildings, and ruins of a past life.  


Amongst the wonderful chaos that lies within are two locations that have been discussed briefly before; the first is Nascita, mentioned merely as the birthplace to Oracolo Di Uni, it is a small village town full of seers and magic practitioners, with Italy as its core influence.  

TheForgotten Tower

The second is the Forgotten Tower, something that was only described in the previously linked Ultimus '19 article, the Forgotten Tower was born as one of many possible ideas to enter into the Tower of Power challenge some months back; Unfortunately, the idea was tossed in favor of the Tempest's Peak concept.   The Forgotten Tower is made entirely from two of the largest specimens of trees in all of Ultimus, their branches manipulated to grow and build a connecting bridge across a river, everything from the stairs up to the cover of the bridge was made from smaller branches. The general concept of this architectural choice was based on many tribes and groups around the world who would bend the growth and direction of trees to act as trail markers, bridges, and even natural shelter in some cases.
Forgotten Tower Concept
Forgotten Tower Concept by Aeterno Art

New Info

Genetic morphs in species are common in the forest, whether it's because of centuries of an unbothered ecosystem, or the magical properties of certain natives, or simply the work of genetics is not know for certain. From megaflora and megafauna to the equally impressive, and even more common microflora and microfauna; there is no balance between them here, life only exists in extremes beyond the trees.




  • Falena Gigante
  • Drago del Profondo/Dragon of the Deep
  • félin volant


  • Dragon Lunaire
  • Laze Ajolote
  • Living Skull


Megaflora are the most common type to find in the forest, the trees are the single most known example of this, as their enormous forms often leave the forest floor in complete darkness, because of this there are multiple bioluminescent florae to be found the closer to the ground you are. You see, there are different levels to the forest, often created by the overlapping branches and plants that grow along with the giant trees, each level is home to a new variety of plants and animals.  

The Trees

  The use of manipulation amongst the wildlife is far, far from unique to the Forgotten Tower, many ruined buildings dating back to even the second incarnation have evidence of nature manipulation of which the level of mastery has never been achieved since. The intricate details, the use of splitting in trees to mix different types for colorful results, and even the level of preservation have been lost in time.   [expect updates with more flora names and quick sketches of some of these species!]

A Warning

If you ever travel to the Infinite Forest of Union, please keep these thoughts in mind, as they very well may save your life.
  1. If you take, you must leave.
  2. Nothing is in your control, but who you choose to be.
  3. Idle hands...
  4. The Truth you know, and the truth you feel, are not always one and the same.
  5. No matter your beliefs, the work of the Forest and its spirits cannot be outsourced to any other patriarch or matriarch, not tied to the domain of nature or earth.
  6. Offerings, on any scale, is best left in the hollow trunks of the olden trees; and are of a guaranteed safe trip through the home of the other-realmy beyond the branches.
Alternative Name(s)
The Unknown, Green Sea, [translation from a language I haven't finished yet meaning "Dangerous Life"]
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
The Infinite Forest Map by Aeterno Art

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Author's Notes

Whoop! Uploading with a simple photo, for now, it is currently 3 am and I need sleeps but when I awake during daylight hours I will work on concept sketches for this article!

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