Ulterra History of Ulterra Timeline
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History of Ulterra

This timeline covers the events immediately preceeding The Platinum Dragon's World Mirror and up to the breaking of that ritual and the turn of the era.

Before Bahamut's Ritual

350 BBM - 0 ABM

This is the Era before the arrival of Hadar to Ulterra

  • -350 BBM

    Decline of High Magic
    Era beginning/end

    The most powerful players in the era of high magic reach the ends of their extended lifespans.   A self re-enforcing cycle of magical de-proliferation begins. As the work of those who came before moves ever farther out of reach, conflicts begin to arise over the remaining collected great works of magic.

  • -203 BBM

    The Fall of Aletheia
    Disaster / Destruction

    The nearest civilized world to Ulterra is destroyed by Hadar. The most faithful and attuned people in the world recieve a grim premonition. Their world was most likely the next to be visited by the world eater.
    Refugees from Aletheia, Gnomes, Payaki and Vasha Chti arrive on Ulterra en masse.

  • -1 BBM

    -1 BBM

    The Roaring of the Gods
    Military: Battle

    The Roaring of the Gods was a great battle between Bahamut and Tiamat that ended with her destruction.

The Sealed Era

0 ABM - 1492 ABM

The era during which the world and its gods were sealed by the Platinum Dragon's World Mirror

  • 1492 ABM

    The Banishment of Hadar
    Military action

    The Syrrine, with the help of Mayka'luna, the Great Hag and The Prismatic Dragon were able to defeat the Emissary of Hadar and banish the world eater from the planet. This released the imprisoned gods and unsealed most of the planet.