Witch - Advanced Statsheet in Ullthwaygon | World Anvil

Witch - Advanced Statsheet

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How to use this list.

Playing a Witch

Witches do not play like any of the other spell casting classes. They do not use spell slots, have very stringent casting requiremts and thier spells dont even interact with the world in the same was as others. All in all they may feel like a very anlien calss to play for somone that is used to more normal spell casting calsses. Though for those interested in trying somthing difrent that can offer a great challange and even a good sense of discvoer when trying them out. The best way to thnk of a witch is like a cross between a Archer and an alchemist. You spend a long time prepearing yours spells, and then you fire them out, almost using your prerations like ammo, instead of using spell slots.  

Why Play a Witch

Witches offer a chance to play somthing different. They are a challganing class to play but thier is very little like thme out there. More over their spells have excelt penitration, being of a compleaty different nature there is little that Arcarna can do to offer up any defeance. And finaly it is well worth thaing into concideraton that a Witches spells are nor such much locked behind level more more behinde the qulity of ingrience they can aquire.  

Things to Concider


  • No Limit on Daily Casting!
  • Excelent spell penitration.
  • Some spells can be cast as bonus actions.
  • Possible to get higer spells early.
  • Spells are naturaly hard to detect.


  • No Spell Slots!
  • No gold subsituion for componets.
  • Spells can take a long time to preper.
  • Spell preperation can fail.
  • Enviromently effected spells.


Hitdice Moraldice Primary Stat Secondary Stat
1d6 1d8 Inteligence or Wisdom Fortune

Skill Proficencies

Broad Specialist Weaponry Other
Expertise Witchcraft
Proficiency Knifeplay
Difficulty Arcarna

Old Ways of Magic

Witches do not use Spell slots like most other casting classes. Instead, they tap into the old and mostly forgotten ways of the magic present before Ahkitha came to the world and flooded it with arcane power.  

Witch, Craft

Your spells are prepared mostly in advanced, where others may have spell slots you have prepared hexes and implements ready to go. Each spell you can cast has a component and preparation cost. Most have multiple or unspecific ingredients that can be substituted for one another, but this is not always so. Many spells that affect an individual will become vastly more powerful if you have an item belonging to the target or better yet an actual piece of them. Most spells take too long to prepared to practice to do so within the heat of battle; however, you may gain the ability to cast a very limited number of spells in a way much like a cantrip as you grow in power.   In most cases spells when successfully prepared will be bound to an object that will allow you to cast your spells using a simple action. Unlike other classes, this is not always a standard action and may sometimes even be able to be used multiple times.  

Witch Lore of Magic

Your spells come form the Witch Lore Spellist. Unlike other spell lores, they do not really have a level, instead, their power is generally reflected in the rarity of their components or the complexity of their production. When preparing these spells you will need to succeed a Witchcraft check at a level listed on the spell itself. Failing this will generally result in the loss of some of the spells components, though this can sometimes be much more severe. Certain optional components may raise or lower the difficulty of these checks. Be weary as many of these checks can be incredibly high, sometimes requiring DCs that are not realistically possible without some form of assistance or things such as cleaver feat or item combinations. As to what these avenues of assistance are or how you can find them will not be discussed here and will be left up to your own discovery.  

Power Unseen

Unlike other casters, the spells that witch cast generally does not produce any sort of viable magical energies. Because of this, they are very, very hard to detect unless you are paying attention to the one doing the casting. The results of the spells are still visible, so a spell cast to produce flame, or water would still produce visible flames or precipitation.   When casting using Witch Spells, an entity is not able to identify the spell or its source unless they are proficient in Witchcraft or have the power of Witchsight or can perceive you casting the spell.  

Not like the other spell casters

As mention, a great amount in this article, Wich spells is quite different to other forms of spell casting. This means that there is very little in the way of defence that can be muster from other spell casters. Arcane spells like Dispell magic or even mage armour will have no effect against your powers. They are however quite sensitive to changes in the environment, such as the weather changing or the presence of a full moon. Particularly clever or well versed

Class Progression

Level Feature or Ribbon
Level 1

Entry Synergy Bonus

You gain the first bonus from your class synergy so long as it is at a greater or equal level to this one.
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

Skip Ingredients

You may now skip up to one non-essential ingredient in any given spell without penalty by increasing the DC of its preparation by 10.
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8

Perpetual Casting

By casting the same spell repeatedly you will cause it to become more and more long-lasting.
When you cast a Witch spell with a duration, casting it again against the same target increase that duration by an extra 150%.
Level 9
Level 10

Primary Synergie Bonus

You gain your second class synergy bonus so long as the level of the overclass is greater or equal to this one.
Level 11
Level 12

Rapid Preparation

By making use of a single, high precious ingredient or catalyst you may prepare a spell in the heat of battle.
Every Witch Spell has a Rapid Catalyst. These are for the most part far more had to come by than the spells usual ingredients and not to mention very morally questionable. A spell that usually only requires herbs and leave may ask you to offer up a precious gemstone. Progressing up to asking you to sacrifice the favourite weapon of a party member or possibly far worse than this.   The result of this is that your spell will be ready to cast immediately. Burning a catalyst takes a bonus action, but if successful it will reduce the operation time of a spell to a free action.   Most, but not all Catalyst are essential ingredients and cannot be skipped. Which these exceptions are shall be left to your own discovery.
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 16

Live Ingredients

Standard Action Exicution
You may now use your opponents and any other creature you can get your hands on as spell components in a Rapid Preparation.
Standard Action, Internal Based, Touch Execution Hitpoint Threshold 60+(Ten times your Tier) DC 20+Tier Con to Save and take 60 Internal damage.
To do this execution, the creature must have a component that can be used as a catalyst to spell that you have the rest of the components to. But if successful the catalyst will b used up automatically and not require an extra bonus action to do so. This may require you to reach in and grab the creatures still beating heart or grab and crush them if they are small enough to do so.   Your own character also counts as a possible target for this action! If this is attempted, then they will not expire until they have cast the spell in question or until an hour has passed.   As this is a touch execution, targets will get a free reaction against you when you attempt it.
Level 17
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20

Mastery of the Arts

Once per day you may add +40 to the result of any Witchcraft roll.   You also gain Mastery in Witchcraft if you did not already have it.  
Special Secret There are a number of secret spells to be hidden across the Wiki that can only be found by finding special links. These are not exclusive to supporters like other Secrets, but their names and locations be may be moved from time to time if they become too well known.   Though please do consider supporting us if you do want to help us grow the project :)

Ultimate Ablity

You gain access to your most powerful possible ability once you have reached level 20 in both your Primary and Secondary classes. What this power is entirely depended on what two classes you have picked.   For witches, this may include, but is not limited to: Opening tears in the fabric of reality, summoning primordial supercreatures, converting their spells into slotted spells and or polymorphing wide swaths of people.  


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