Phatla Character in Ullthwaygon | World Anvil


A Beast for a Feast

  "Mildrid was puzzled to why the halfling left half his meal, knife and fork left neatly in the position that indicated he was finished. When she asked him why is explained in a satisfied voice that is was for his god Phatla; As though she must be pulling his leg to even ask. After wich he got up and left to join his friends who can hijack the stage and begun singing merrily. Turning away briefly to look at this scene she thought to herself of how lucky the hounds would be to have such leftovers; When to her surprise she turned back to see the food gone! "Phatla always get her meal" the halfling did tell her after "Just doesn't like people looking when she does so"."   The Corgi goddess of food and fortune, Phatla is the playmate of Sphella and longer in the summer. She gave trees their long shadows so she could sleep in them protected from the sun. It is customary for followers to leave a portion of their meals to her, with devotees seemingly feeding scraps to a dog that is not there, yet the food still disappears. In exchange, Phatla gives great fortune to her followers; Though it always seams to lead to more food in the end.  

Creation Myth

  Akitha's belly bounced three times after it fell from her body. Each time doing so passing thought another plane. First, it hit Lafhara who left her to lounge slothfully and bestowed and great lethargy. After many centuries a great clap of thunder from the beating wings of Tornathra woke her with a start causing her to fall into Ghorgara. The demons that lived there took great pleasures in feeding this new belly until the point rupture. However before it could pop, a great invasion from Ghorgara's sister Lhamara distracted his minions long enough for her to escape. Falling from the Kingdom of Gold the great belly fell before the kind face of Sphella the Golden Retriever of Light and Fortune. There Sphella taught the belly to run and play, gifting her legs with which to do so. With time hair grew upon the bounding belly, the hole it was fed through grew teeth and formed into a face. Finally, the creature took a rabbit's lost tail as her own and gave her self the name Phatla, by which she is known to this day.

Divine Domains

Fortune, Food, Summer and Tantrums.

Holy Books & Codes

The "Phat Book" whos cover is often made from the belly of a pig or dried potato peelings.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Corgi, often worn as a neckless around the neck of the follower.

Tenets of Faith

All pigs must be in blankets!


Muchmay, A whole month dedicated to eating and lounging about in the sun.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

All of the food.
Divine Classification
Goddess of Fortune - Ahs 4.00


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