Hakora Character in Ullthwaygon | World Anvil


Monster of the Heart

  "Vesseri had lost his heart to her, she had pulled it out in the throws of passion. Adding it to all the others, she watched as they still in her presence even now, so many years after the had been plucked from their lovers' chests."   Hakora, trickster goddess of love, water and monsters demands the hears and minds of her followers, especially their hearts! Often depicted as a beautiful maiden hiding behind a great waterfall, she hides a monstrous secret. Behind all the grandeur lays a monster ready to rip out the hearts of her lovers at the point they beat strongest for her.  

What She Gives


Deications and Prases of Worship

  Warriors of Hakora will often hold fallen foes hearts aloft in dedication to their god - "I give this heart to you!, Hakora" Her powers keeping such dedications beating long after their host has expired.   "My heart beats for you!" - Said during pledges of allegiance or dedications to Goddess.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Water, Monsters and Love.

Holy Books & Codes

"Hakora's Book of Water" or "The Book of Hakora".

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A waterfall or a bathing maiden or a beating heart.

Tenets of Faith

All hearts should beat for me!

Divine Goals & Aspirations


Relevant Songs

Anain Alignment

Life / Death - Light / Dark
Divine Classification
Trickster Goddess - Ahs 4.00
Chaotic Neutral


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