Cavvannar {Legacy} Species in Ullthwaygon | World Anvil

Cavvannar {Legacy}

Vindictive in nature, Cavvannar are remorseless creatures. Taking pleasure in exacting revenge upon those who trespass against them, these gigantic wasp-like monstrosities have long troubled the lands of god-fearing men. So insidious is their hunger for revenge, that they will purposefully seek out to garner aggression against themselves. All in the hopes that they may inspire a transgression that will give them cause for vengeance. To them, it is not enough to be the aggressor and they will rarely ever allow themselves to be so, unless it is to feed. No, it must always be in call to some justice that escapes the minds of more rational beings.   So it is with some surprise that we learn that a number of cultures have been known to build their towns near them. It is explained to me that this is in service to some greater defence of their lands. While it is true that on the most part Cavvannar will keep their surroundings free of monster and intruders. It is foolish to believe that this is a relationship that is built to last. They may be intelligent enough for parlay and to not attack a settlement that offers them gifts. But spare a thought for when they soon lose this discretion during their dreaded breeding season.   Fitting of their nature, when breeding Cavvannar lay their young inside a recently deceased host. Though the host itself does in fact not need to be dead to use in this way, simply needing a warm body for the pupa to feed on. I can at least respect their capacity to grant death to their victims, in abstraction to the methods of some of their more animalistic brethren. Once deposited, the grub will devour the host from the inside out, already being partially formed upon insemination. The Mother will then watch patiently to ensure its child a safe start in life, before leaving once it can no longer fight off its own hunger.   When targeting a host for their young, Cavvanner must bear in mind the creature in which it will pupate. As the grub will take on some aspect of what it has been lain in; Such as horns, size and most crucially intelligence. The latter being the reason why they have caused so much harm to society. As were else will you find persons of reason than within our own towns and cities?   On occasion, the dread things shall work together to attempt to bring down a dragon. If successful the resulting creature born from their larva out of the corpse shall result in a terrifying hybrid of the two beings. These then rightfully serve as leaders to their peers.   Though a threat that would bring me great joy to see eradicated. I would not suggest you throw your life away trying to fight back against these wicked creatures. Instead, leave well enough alone and hopefully, they will pay you no mind in return.
Cardinal Feign, on the Charter of Dangerous Creatures
Never have I fought with a more noble companion than Valsivaar. To many times have I owed my life to his intervention. Ever since I was a boy I have fought alongside him. I was there when he first grew out his wings. And I was the one that saved him from destruction by the hands of the cleric who thought him an affront to god. I will never forget when I first met him. It was just a week the passing of my father that I found him; All shaking and covered in blood. Since then Valsivaar has given me the chance to fly away from trouble. Such a shame my father is not here to see it.
Lucas Dread, Me and My Companion

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

On insemination, it takes little under a week for the larva to devour it's host; Unless what it is feeding off is particularly massive. From conversations with Cavvannar, it seems that they may inherit some memories from what they were laid in. This may even go so far as to start them with the same feelings toward particular persons as the host did themselves. From all investigations it is shown that those laid in live hosts start their life in a troubled state; And are rarely sound in mind for the remainder of there lives.
Abergail Ammersmith, Cavvannar on the Rain

Additional Information

Social Structure

Cavvannar are fiercely independent beings; Never satisfied to serve under one ruler save for themselves. They will typically only ever have one level of management coming from those born of the dragon. But this is a rare occurrence outside of large groups.
Kimbon Tells
Cavvannar live in a strict cast system, with the Queen at the top, and her five levels of servents directly below her. They will take time to breed their young to suit whatever role they desire; Typically picking large monsters to pupate guard and soldiers in. Wizards and sorcerers are the prime targets for the ruling kind of the hive. Thus ensuring that the sate can take hold over magic affairs as well as mundane ones.
Orraycio Lonsbrain

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Though able to feel and understand emotion, Cavvannar will typically ignore it. They are well known as merciless killers; And it is not uncommon for them to slaughter a whole town just to prove a point on their dominance.   Any attacks on a hive will result in any surviving members seeking out and attacking the assailant's loved ones with remorseless efficiency. If particularly scorned they may even bring the two parties together so that they can watch the affair.   It is not uncommon for Cavvannar to mutilate every last limb save the head, from someone who has wronged them to a significant degree. They will then cauterize the wounds and leave the victim to serve as a reminder to the people around them. Or, if they are the object of more powerful disdain, they will be left in the wilderness to be eaten by wolves or other such predators without any chance of defence.
Avaray Weaver

Common Myths and Legends

"Rumour is that Ancients get them to build around their containers. Stops folk snooping around where they shouldn't be. I once saw one with a blue hole blasted through it when I was a boy. Judging by the colour of the hole left blasted in the Antmora, I'd say where looking at the same culprits"
Abjackt Wells

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Typically the only living creatures Cavvanner will try and avoid are large dragons, particularly Red ones. They inflict far more loss upon their hive then they are prepared to contend with. Constructs and Animus also cause issues for them, as they often are resistant to most of their defences.
Keplen Gahr

Cover image: Hornet by Josch13


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