Sherlen Miller

“A good sword arm does not a warrior make. Vigilance. CONSTANT VIGILANCE! This is what is required to survive the battle.”   Her dual role means Sherlen has to use two different aspects of her personality: as a militia commander, she trains her fellow warriors; as constable, she mediates disputes and take cares of the Lord Maldwyn, Duke of the Nearer Reaches and the Lord of Eastpoint Castle's interests.   Sherlen is the commander of the Eastpoint Castle militia, a headstrong and powerful woman who strives every day to live up to her name. She was named after a great hero of Eastpoint Castle’s history, Sherlen “Spearslayer,” and she considers it her greatest honor to serve in the same role that her namesake did a hundred years ago.   As commander of the militia, Sherlen is responsible for training the folk of the town in basic combat techniques. She happily teaches more advanced techniques to anyone who shows the competence and willingness to learn.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sherlen is a youngish woman of strong build, with short brown hair and green eyes. She typically wears studded leather armor and is never seen without a spear, which she carries in honor of her namesake.
Year of Birth
885 25 Years old