Myrs Krayts Character in Ugaron | World Anvil

Myrs Krayts

Myrs served as an army medic and engineer for several years in Fultar, met Tarran Ó Banain when he was serving as a mercenary in Northern Fultar and has returned to live and run Olbat after her first children were born. While not an Albae or even Galletican Celt, Myrs was accepted as the leader of Olbat in all ways but military matters.  Her skills as an engineer and historian were invaluable in rebuilding Olbat after it was destroyed by orc raiders, her charisma and various language skills, including Fultonian, Celtic, Dwarfish, Elvish and Henarrian, have resulted in good general relations and trading opportunities, despite the set backs from the lack of fighting power that resulted from Tarran's long absences from the village.  Essentially, but for her leadership, Olbat would likely be an abandoned ruin rather than a struggling and declining village.    Myrs is conscientious and inquisitive, and has always found the time to work in her magical laboratory.
by M. E. Winge
Year of Birth
862 48 Years old