Lord Raymond Ilios, Marquess of the Reaches and Lord of Sentinel Fortress Character in Ugaron | World Anvil

Lord Raymond Ilios, Marquess of the Reaches and Lord of Sentinel Fortress

Lord Raymond llios is a Katheroi paladin that rules over Sentinel Fortress and the Inner or Nearer Reaches. He is no less courageous than his father, Lord Alden Ilios, Marquess of the Wild Reaches and Lord of Sentinel Fortress, who ended the Bloodspear Orc Invasion. However, history has not presented him with any great challenges, yet. He has spent his years taking the fight to orcs and other humanoids beyond the borders of Sentinel Fortress and aiding the half orcs of Grahluk.   He has two living children, both of which are mages that enjoy the soft life of the city, and neither of which he expects to succeed him. They are the children of a short, three year affair with an elf mage, Loreilei of the Fair Oaks. They are Etienne and Lady Eva Ilios. Lord Raymond has labored under the burden of the betrayal of martial vows, which leaves him with a deep sense of regret for the unnecessary harm that he has caused his wife, Lady Maribeth Ilios. Lord Raymond and Lady Maribeth had three wonderful and promising children, none of whom reached a score of years.   Lord Raymond has groomed his nephews to eventually take the title and responsibility of the Marquess of the Inner Reaches and Lord of Sentinel Fortress. These are the two sons and daughter of his younger sister, Lady Ramona Ilios. The younger son, Roland Ilios, is a Katheroi paladin and was the heir apparent because he has trained as a paladin. However, he lacks the temperament to be the Marquess, and his sister Dame Agnes Ilios is the true heir apparent. The oldest son, Redmont Ilios, is a Ranger who, while he accepts that under the law of succession a person of great faith like a paladin should inherit the title over a Ranger, is bitter that his younger sister will likely become the new Marquess of the Inner Reaches and Lady of Sentinel Fortress.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite being about 80 years old, he has the vigor and looks of a man in his sixties. He has a large nose, rarely smiles, always appears serious, and often looks as though he were straining whilst constipated.