Katheroi Organization in Ugaron | World Anvil


The Katheroi are a persecuted and heretical sect that does not fit into the dominant worldview and must be crushed. The Katheroi believes that the “Gods” are mere imperfect manifestations of the Good and the Evil: two powerful opposed and irreducible forces that account for all the exists. In that sense, the gods are no different from any other living thing, which is offensive in that it denies their essential divinity. The Good is represented by light, thus Sol Invictus is a powerful iconographic symbol. Mithras’s relationship to Sol and the universe, the cosmological calendar, plus the mysteries and orders are an element of their religion only to the extent that Mithra is like Sol Invictus a powerful icon of the Good. Neither Sol Invictus or Mithra are objects of worship, but rather vessels that are infused with the radiance of the Good. They are similar to Taoists in that the Katheroi believe that there is a path that they should strive to follow that will help us achieve more per-fect harmony with the Good and thus lead to a higher, perhaps eve; the highest, level of being, or Perfection. Where the Taoists seek harmony with the patterns of the universe, they seek harmony and ultimately joining with the Good against the demonic power of Evil.   The Katheroi's focus on "Good" vs. "Evil" is contrasted to the mainstream Fultonian emphasis on "Choas" vs. "Order." Fultar and Fultonian Religion is based on the balance of Chaos and Order, while Good and Evil are seen as lesser and more culturally-determined concepts, not central to theology or dogma. This is a central tension which has led to the Katheroi being treated as heretical sect in what is normally a tolerant and inclusive Fultonian religion.   The Good, represented but not actually, Mirthras created the world, including the force of Evil, which is like a fallen angle.  The Good and the Evil have been a great battle of the bright and beneficent against the sinister and destruction.  The Evil is a subordinate being and not coeternal with the Good, the absolute eternal being.  The Evil manifests in various forms, including the powerful "gods" like Hecate, demons, devil and dragons, and animates organizations like Order of the Necromantia.     According to the Katheroi, the physical necessities of the world are often polluted by the Evil, thus asceticism is encouraged, but not as a means of achieving enlightenment through self-denial, but rather as a means of leading a disciplined and righteous life. The mind or spirit is the only true aspect, which attempt to gain unity with the Good.  Abstinence from promiscuity is encouraged, but marriage and family are very important and we have no mandates that encourage celibacy or other odd acts of piety. There are no dietary restrictions apart from avoiding glut-tony or waste. Excess wealth, pomp and circumstance are frowned upon as an act of selfishness and narcissism that quickly leads to an evil path. Live simply so that others may simply live is a better way to achieve the Good. Acts of kindness and generosity are critically important.   Their rejection in the belief in Gods as perfect manifestations of whatever they purport to be is by itself insufficient to warrant persecution as there is a minority of Fultonians who view all the Gods as simply manifestations of Tya Nehru. So many of the core values of the Katheroi are directly in conflict with the dominant Fultonian society, which is built upon rigid hierarchical social structures that value ritual and harmony over individuality and personal spirituality results in them being persecuted as non-believers. The Katheroi's disdain for rigid practices, ostentatious displays of extravagance, and excess also results in persecution by other more powerful religions that enjoy such things. Thus, the adoption of Mithraic mysteries and secretive places of worship is contrary to the mainstream, public ritual of Fultonian religion. The only other sects that worship outside of the mainstream are the evil followers of Hecate.  When the Katheroi practice their religion in the open their temples are austere fortresses dominated by a Tower of Light that serve as strongholds and places of refuge for the followers of the Good.   Core values include austerity, equality, cleanliness, service, kindness and thrift.   Cleanliness: Filth is an abomination.   Service: Serve others before you serve yourself. At times you must see to your own health, strength, etc., but only because that allows you to better serve the needs of others. The near constant threat of attack requires that all serve the community in times of need, each to his or her best ability.   Kindness. Above all else, be kind.   Thrift. Waste nothing.   The Katheroi also choose the wrong side of a political dispute in the Barony of Bortlan, which lead to the Barony of Bortlan seizing their largest stronghold, which was located in the western most area of Bortlan. For fifty years war raged hot and cold between the duchy of Carcassonne and other Katheroi storngholds, and only after the Sua Hill dwarves were defeated and Bortlan soldiers and freed up Fultonian military units (some serving as mercenaries) were the Katheroi crushed. Those who renounced their faith were permitted to leave Bortlan, others burned at the stake and still others escaped. Rumors are that before the fall of Carcassonne a small number of Katheroi priests (Perfecti) fled with the Katheroi treasure that included the Holy Grail, although the same is said of the Tem-plars. The Katheroi face far less hostility and discrimination in the borderlands, but they are a persecuted sect in all areas of the Empire.
The Katheroi being expelled from the Duchy of Carcassonne.
A massacre of Katheroi.