Curran Corvalin Character in Ugaron | World Anvil

Curran Corvalin

Hobbit priest who lives in Eastpoint Castle.   Curran once lived in Fulton until he casually found the treasure of a deceased relative, he won a bet, he had some investments come through, and he found a chest of jewels that someone had lost all in the same day.  
This convinced Curran to devote himself to the chief halfling goddess Yondolla, and Yondalla's ChildrenĀ and relocate to Eastpoint Castle.

In town Curran took care of the Fairfortune Hall as priest of Yondalla and was in with good relations with Lord Maldwyn, Duke of the Nearer Reaches and the Lord of Eastpoint Castleand other influential citizens. As a priest of Yondalla, Curran also ministers to the followers of the entire pantheon of halfling gods, who are called Yondalla's Children.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Yondalla's holy symbol:  