Human Species in Tythin | World Anvil


Basic Information


With rare exceptions, Humans appear to always be born with a head containing two eyes for sight, a nose that allows for smell, two ears that give hearing, and a mouth for communicating; two arms that reach the mid-thigh area with attached hands containing 4 fingers and a thumb, which allows for dextrous manipulation of objects; two legs approximately half the height of the whole body with attached feet that allow for balance while standing and moving; and a central torso which appears to contain most vital organs necessary for survival and reproduction.

Biological Traits

Humans vary considerably in skin, hair, and eye colour. Those found closer to the equator develop darker skin, sometimes even comparable to that of the night sky, and deeper browns for their hair and eyes. Humans further north often develop much lighter skin, sometimes as white as fresh milk, and light blues and blondes for their eyes and hair respectively. Despite this, humans vary considerably even within their own regions. Hair colours amongst humans include many shades of black, brown, blonde, and even red. Eye colours include many dancing shades of blue, grey, green, hazel, and brown.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce sexually, requiring both a male and female for any offspring. They are unable to reproduce with other races, with the notable exception of elves, resulting in the twisted half-breed known as Half Elves.

Growth Rate & Stages

Toddler: 2 years
Child: 6 years
Adolescent: 12 years
Young Adult: 16 years
Adult: 25 years
Middle-aged: 35 years
Venerable: 60 years
Expectant: 70 years
Max Age: 90 years

Ecology and Habitats

Humans are the most widespread race in Tythin, spanning across all regions of the world. They appear to thrive best in fertile grasslands while struggling to adapt in deserts, mountains, underground, and tundras. Despite this, they can be found in almost any climate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivores and tend to eat whatever is the most abundant source in the area. If, for example, they live beside the ocean or other significant body of water, they adapt their diet to primarily contain the many fish in their area. If they were to move further inland to grassy fields, their diet would shift to that of the grazing cattle they domesticate. If they are found to be in fertile soil, they will quickly bring crop life to that soil and eat its edible parts.

Biological Cycle

As humans age, many of the normal appearances and bodily functions begin to fade and fail. Their skin grows more fragile and wrinkles up. Their hair shifts from its natural colour to a pale grey. Pain becomes a more common experience. One's normal swiftness slows significantly.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans can be found throughout the entire continent of Arclipse, as well as the minor continents of Hollen and Albadez, and all minor islands surrounding them. The notable exception to human distribution on the planet appears to be on the continent of Krate, where they've only recently began exploring.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The average human has the ability to view the world around them, touch its objects, hear its sounds, smell its odors, and taste its foods. Through extension, they can sense temperature and pain, and even balance themselves without the need for vision.
  Models: MaleFemale
Genetic Descendants
70 years
Average Height
Male: 1.64 - 1.86 m (5'5" - 6'1")
Female: 1.51 - 1.71 m (4'11" - 5'7")
Average Weight
Male: 57 - 86 kg (125 - 190 lbs)
Female: 43 - 75 kg (95 - 165 lbs)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale, White, Tan, Brown, Black, Dark
Platinum, Blonde, Dirty Blonde, Strawberry Blonde, Red, Brown, Black
Blue, Green, Grey, Hazel, Brown
Geographic Distribution


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