Winter In Elleryn: The Eternal Winter Team Plot in Tyranaal | World Anvil
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Winter In Elleryn: The Eternal Winter Team

Armin, Biri, Lydia Hargreave, Xin and Bucky have been recruited by the Tarynhall Council to look into the cause of the supernatural winter that has come further south than it should during the summer.   Citizens are fleeing their farmland, refugees and others have come to Tarynhall seeking aid during this unnatural weather.   Together the team must seek out the what is causing the change in weather and formulate how to change or stop it.   After a few weeks in the Enborne Darks, the group arrived successful in the Tarynhall Arcane Tower, with the aid of a dwarven mage they met in the underdark. Somewhat battered and bruised, they reported to the Elleryn Council that they had destroyed the artifact, with proof of Bucky being nearly killed from the explosion of the artifact.   After their first success, Ein enlisted them for another quest. Before hand he brought the group to the coast for a well deserved beach day, where the group saw off Bucky, who decided he would retire from adventuring.    The second quest, Ein tasked the group with investigating the Ten Towns area of the north. Where people are reportedly freezing to death in their own beds. Additionally, people dressed in winter clothes are freezing unnaturally. The group is introduced to Arvid Bjornson, who will act as their guide and protector as they travel to Ten Towns.


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