The Dark Seer, Nennoh Character in Tyranaal | World Anvil
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The Dark Seer, Nennoh

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She began life as a clone of Nennoh, the Druid. In a foul plot by Garon Sprigg and the Benefactors to create their own force to oppose the heroes of Arma Lucis. She and her cohorts of clones would later be known in history as Arma Tennebris. Of all of Arma Tennebris, the Dark Seer remained the most dangerous. Wielder of the Vile Tome and raiser of the last aspect of Xelinar.   In her time among the material plane she killed Garon Sprigg's last vessel, she razed the settlement of Nephis, held the Elleryn royal family under foot and nearly succeeded in taking the mantle of a betrayer god.   She was however successfully stopped by the efforts of Arma Lucis and their many allies. Atop a volcano where she opened a rift to the hells, Illianna Theabrook and Nennoh's revenant landed a blow against the Dark Seer's tome and broke the connection it had with her. Sparking a reaction that turned her to dust.
Date of Birth
5/17, 556 EAIII
556 558 2 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died from the magical severing of the Vile Tome
Black hair, slicked back along her neck
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
125 lbs


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