Session 9: An Unlikely Gathering Report Report in Tyranaal | World Anvil
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Session 9: An Unlikely Gathering Report

General Summary

During their rest, the group is come upon by two members of the Havenholt guild. They are Gren Grayben and Balasar. Gren clearly looking for more information from the group and Balasar looking to eat and get a decent rest.   As Gren and Balasar meet the group, Lydia notices that the metal part of her tracking amulet begins to hum and vibrate when Gren and Balasar get closer. Gren tries to talk to the group about the 'Throne' with them and shows them a platinum rod inscribed with magical runes that he and Balasar got after defeating a group of fire giants.   Biri and Lydia quickly deduce that Gren is up to no good and insight that he lied to the a few times during conversation. Xin, along with Armin decide to steal the platinum rod and Gren's gauntlets of Ogre Strength. Balasar shortly converses with Biri during watch and they exchange stories of the North.   Biri learns that Balasar is hoping to finish this last job so that he can finally retire from the Havenholt guild. Biri also learns from Balasar that Gren is a cleric that uses dark magic and is might have his own reasons for being in the Northlands.   The group in the middle of the night, steal Gren's gauntlets and the +3 platinum rod and leave a false trail going back to the surface. The group actually travels further down into the Enborne Darks and Bucky notices a bat flying towards them that turns into a humanoid figure about to attack Xin. Bucky pushes her out of the way and is grappled by the creature.   The creature holds up an amulet identical to Lydia's tracking amulet and demands that the group give him what he has. Bucky is able to release himself and the group is able to make quick work of this enemy. As Bucky is about to land a killing blow, the creature turns into mist and floats away, the group unable to do anything to stop him. They are easily able to figure out that they were attacked by a vampire. That of which have not been seen for 3-4 years since the defeat of Aethlyn the Vampire, in Illendor...   12 hours have passed

Rewards Granted

+3 Platinum Rod (quarterstaff)

Missions/Quests Completed

The group met Gren and Balasar.   They also learned that Vampires are also are looking for something in the Underdark as well.
Winter in Elleryn
Lydia Hargreave
Biri Fenkenraybradon
Report Date
18 Jul 2020


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