Session 7: A Hulk Absconding Report Report in Tyranaal | World Anvil
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Session 7: A Hulk Absconding Report

General Summary

The Group chases after an Umber Hulk that has taken Armin further into the Enborne Darks.   Along the way, they run into a night hag who agrees to help them via a magical pact. She agrees to help them if they allow her to harvest parts from the Umber Hulk that took Armin.   Bucky agrees to her pact and the Hag comes with them instructing them in which way the Umber Hulk might have gone. During exploration further into the tunnels, they encounter a group of Ahnkeg that attacks them.   With a few close calls, they are able to defeat Ahnkeg and the Hag gathers the acid sacks from one of the Ahnkeg heads.   The group is very close to where the Umber Hulk took Armin and they prepare to rescue their ally.

Character(s) interacted with

The group has traveled further into the Underdark and Bucky made a magical pact with the Hag.
Winter in Elleryn
Lydia Hargreave
Biri Fenkenraybradon
Player Journals
The Battles Ahead by Biri Fenkenraybradon
Report Date
13 Jun 2020


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