Session 26: A Lone Heart, Grown Cold Report Report in Tyranaal | World Anvil
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Session 26: A Lone Heart, Grown Cold Report

General Summary

The party travels to Termaline, then past the goblin camp of Krokorok to the buried spire. After being given a tip by the Grandolpha that Dzann, a Wizard, might be found there. After a short travel out of Termaline, they come upon the buried spire, just northeast of the goblin camp.   After working their way down the upside down spire, they discover a few magical oddities and at one point find a long forgotten chest, as the group opens it, Lydia realizes it's an ancient tome of spells. As she picks up the book, it crumbles in her hands...   As the wizard finishes mourning the now long lost tales and spells, the group proceeds downward and discovers Dzann and his wight bodyguard, Kryntas. Dzann is forthcoming and truthful about his predicament, this Dzann is a simulacrum and he is hoping that the group can help him, in exchange for information on the location of Ythrynn, the Necropolis. The group agrees to help him and he informs them that he believes the original Dzann who created him, is dead, which the group had heard previously in their adventures. In the same room that Dzann resided, they also discover a statue of Mystra, the goddess of Magic on Toril. As Char reached out to it, a potion fell out of the air. Dzann informs her if she drinks it, she will gain an ability. Char drinks it and gains the ability to cast Minor Illusion at will.   He shows them to the bottom floor of the tower and they discover an ancient relic. This relic, a golden disk, can create real living and material things from illusion magic. Dzann explains to them, he just wants to be made real, so that he may finally go home and out of the buried tower. Dzann tells them he needs another living being to place a hand on him while he stands under the light to give him a jolt from someone else's life spark.    Xin steps forward and gives Dzann a high five and to their surprise Dzann is made real. The group proceeds to experiment further with trying to make platinum pieces and new gear with their illusion magic. Char uses her newfound illusion magic to create new adamantine breastplates for Armin and Arvid. As she tries to create a new maul, the relic backfires and creates a black ooze. The party quickly defeats it and char tries one more time to make an adamantine maul, this time she is successful. Finally, the group makes miniature Flail Snails pets for everyone, that fit in their pockets.   Afterwards the group decides to rest for the night and head out in the morning back towards Termaline.
Winter in Elleryn
Char Cinderstorm
Lydia Hargreave
Biri Fenkenraybradon
Report Date
21 Feb 2021
Primary Location


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