Session 2: The Far Northlands Report Report in Tyranaal | World Anvil
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Session 2: The Far Northlands Report

General Summary

The group reports back to the Tarynhall Council, who sends them to the teleportation tower in the magic quarter.   There they meet Colos Finnosan, the local arcane president who has been assigned with establishing magical transportation to military outposts in his tower.   After they collect supplies, they have Colos send them to the military outpost. When they arrive they are greeted by the commanding officer of the post. He provides them with a wagon and oxen for their 4 day ride to Port Asinis.   In their travels, they stop after the second day at the resting point for the night. The weather has begun to wear down and they luckily reach the rest area in time. A couple hours into the night, they are attack by a Purple Worm.   They narrowly defeat it, with Armin taking a critical blow near the middle of the fight. Lydia and Biri combine their magics to land a killing blow with Lydia's Chromatic Orb and Biri's Wrath of the Tempest.   They harvest the stinger and poison sack from the worms tail, before they finish setting up camp for the night.   In the morning, the weather has cleared and they finish the final two days of travel.   4 days have passed.

Missions/Quests Completed

They arrive at Port Asinis after making the trip from the military outpost.
Winter in Elleryn
Lydia Hargreave
Biri Fenkenraybradon
Report Date
25 Apr 2020
Primary Location

Articles under Session 2: The Far Northlands Report


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