Session 21: The Invisible Threat and the Fire from Above Report Report in Tyranaal | World Anvil
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Session 21: The Invisible Threat and the Fire from Above Report

General Summary

The group travels to Easthaven, after agreeing to a deal proposed by Speaker Naerth of Targos and two other town speakers, to investigate the Duergar Fortress that is rumored to be preparing an attack on the the Ten Towns.   As the group arrives in Easthaven, Jonesy brings the dog sled up to the Wet Trout Inn and ale house, run by Nymetra, whom Biri recognizes as a member of a clan that branch off from hers years ago. They are greeted with a warm meal by speaker Danneth and a paid for room at the Inn. The group sits down and has a short rest while trying to gather any more information from Danneth. He informs the group they have a source that has, that has claimed to be reliable, that the duergar are attacking the Ten-Towns soon with new weapon.   As the group is enjoying their meal, the door blows open and closes shut once more. Lydia uses Detect Magic to see if there is anything in the immediate area that might have entered the tavern. She sees a magical outline of an invisible stout character. As the invisible humanoid approaches more closely, Lydia casts Dispel Magic, revealing a duergar in dark leathers standing before them. As the group is trying to capture the duergar, he takes out a sending stone and yells a message into it, followed by both Biri and Lydia casting Hold Person and while the rest of the group secures the duergar with rope. Danneth stares in bewilderment, as he did not believe rumors he had heard of invisible people walking about the town.   The speaker ushers the group upstairs where they stash the captured duergar. Armin and Biri begin interrogating the duergar, opening with Biri using her Mace of Terror to frighten the duergar. When their prisoner starts to laugh at them in an effort to resist the magical fear, Armin proceeds to start breaking chairs over the duergar. He reveals that the nearby fortress is preparing a dragon attack on the Towns, in an effort to cleanse the surface of Icewind Dale. The Arvid informs Danneth of this plan, so the speaker runs outside to gather the militia.   Armin breaks a final chair over the duergar's head and cuts off his head to have as a warning for incoming attacks. As the group steps outside, Arvid notices in the distance a bright glowing object heading directly towards Easthaven. Minutes later the militia is gathered and the party prepares for battle. The glowing entity roars over the town, releasing a beam of energy that blows through the town. As the creature turns around for a second attack, the group launches a wave of attacks that knock the creature out of the air. It crashes into the local temple of Auril and the town shop. As the monster rises from the ground, the group notices that it is a fully functioning mechanical dragon.   Biri and Lydia prove to be crucial in the battle, releasing spells of thunder and lightning, with the final blow being dealt with Biri casting Shatter. The group collects the remnants of the dragon, including its power source and a few pieces of dark metal from its body. Biri uses the last of her spells to heal those wounded in the attack.   The group helps clean up what they can before they rest for the night. Biri and Lydia notice a statue to Auril damaged in the fight, Lydia makes Biri invisible and the cleric of Jiang uses Shape Stone to change the statue into one of her goddess Jiang, making it look like a miracle from Biri's goddess. Biri announces she was sent to save the town and spends the whole next day doing funeral rights to protect the dead with Ceremony and converting all those willing to her goddess. After being saved by Biri, Easthaven, a town who used to sacrifice lives to Auril, coverts to the two headed dragon, Jiang.   The clouds and aurora borealis that hangs over the town of Easthaven breaks, along with the faith that people had for Auril. Confirming the group's suspicion of Auril being the reason of last darkness in the towns.   The group both knowingly and unknowingly, has earned the anger of the Frostmaiden. A storm brews on the outskirts of Easthaven.

Rewards Granted

Power Source of the Chardalyn Dragon and a piece big enough for a chestplate.

Missions/Quests Completed

The group witnessed the attack by the duergar and defended the town of Easthaven.
Winter in Elleryn
Lydia Hargreave
Biri Fenkenraybradon
Report Date
13 Jan 2021
Primary Location


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