Session 13: It All Comes Together Report Report in Tyranaal | World Anvil
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Session 13: It All Comes Together Report

General Summary

The group finds an old Dwarven safe room in the Enborne Darks. As they approach the large ornate door, a projection of a sickly dwarf appears before them. The dwarf inquires about their venture into the underdark and if they were followed. After a brief conversation and the dwarf recognizing Lydia, he allows them entrance to the safe room.   After a few more moments of conversation, Lydia recognizes him as Dulmauk Twilightshaper, an arcane lecturer and an author of a handful of arcane encyclopedias. The group also sees that Dulmauk is sick with whatever disease that plagued the dead drow they met near the entrance to the Enborne Darks. While talking about the Drow in the Enborne Darks, Dulmauk warns them of a seer who sees visions and uses scrying to prevent others from reaching the throne. He tells the group they might need to defeat this seer before they can safely reach the Throne.   Minutes later talking with Dulmauk, something triggers a warding rune placed by Armin, causing an explosion. Moments later a dispel magic is cast from the outside of the door. The door opens and a group of seven vampiric minotaurs and a vampiric mage attack the group. Despite the odds, the group is able to defeat the minotaurs and Lydia detonates the vampire's mist form with a radiant chromatic orb.   Dulmauk struggled to aid the group throughout the battle and only managed to cast a single lightning bolt as his symptoms continued to worsen. Afterwards he warns the group they need to get to the Throne first, wherever it may be in the Enborne Darks. He warns them that the Throne must not be allowed to reach the surface. Dulmauk explains that such a situation could lead to the surface world be clouded over and frozen solid.   He explains that the Throne, while being able to freeze environments it resides in, it also has major potential to control weather. Additionally, the wizard tells them the Throne was originally made by the Fey as a weapon to be used against other deities or demigods that might challenge certain parts of the Fey Court. Dulmauk claims preventing the vampires and drow from getting to the Throne is paramount to the survival of the surface world. From what he has learned in the Enborne Darks, he believes either of the two factions will use it to blot out the sun with clouds and snow, allowing them to freely traverse the surface after they have frozen the world and its inhabitants.   After the group finishes their talk with Dulmauk and they decide to rest. Biri approaches the old wizard and offers him some medicinal tea to help ease his pain and symptoms. Dulmauk inquires about Biri's about hers have researched the resurgence of new gods being born in the past years. Dulmauk whispers to Biri that he knows her god is a reborn fallen one. He conveys to her that these new gods are beholden to the deeds of their followers and that if Biri brings about good change in the world, that it will help develop her god into the future.   Lastly before everyone rested for the night, Dulmauk put the Lightning Bolt spell into Lydia's spellbook.

Rewards Granted

+2 Greatsword and a Sheath of Invisibility, Lydia taught Lightning Bolt.

Created Content

Dulmauk Twilightshaper
Winter in Elleryn
Lydia Hargreave
Biri Fenkenraybradon
Report Date
26 Sep 2020


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