Nennoh Character in Tyranaal | World Anvil
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Druid of Nephis & Ashen Sapphire

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nennoh, once a druid of Nephis. During her early adventuring years, alongside the original members of Arma Lucis saved countless lives and made many friends. Beloved by many communities in Elleryn and Illendor. She spent much of her free time reading, researching and practicing with alchemical mixtures.   She died during the second confrontation with Arma Tennebris after they achieved repairing the Vile Tome. She fell when a wall of flame over took her in battle, and turned to ash. But later, her physical vessel was raised again as a revenant. Her soul had been captured by the Vile Tome, but with the assistance of her Angel patron, her body fought on alongside Arma Lucis right up until the final confrontation with the Dark Seer and Xelinar. Ultimately, all three parts of Nennoh, her soul, revenant body and the Dark Seer are now at rest.   The Dark Seer is mentioned in hushed whispers, but Nennoh, the Ashen Sapphire, Druid of Nephis, is talked about fondly among her friends, villagers of New Nephis and others. Her revenant body, used the last of its life energy, a legendary ring and an Imprison spell to seal away the Vile Tome. Of which only a handful of souls know the location.   Most famously in many tavern stories, however she shot an angel in the dick.

Personality Characteristics


Her motivation for the extent of her life was warning people of a vision that came to her in a dream. A cataclysmic event that seemed to crack the Earth to its core.
Neutral Good
536 556 20 years old
Circumstances of Death
She was killed by the Dark Seer with a Wall of Fire
Light Brown (Human), White-Gray (Revenant)
Curly Brown (Human), Bald (Revenant)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White (Human), Ashen Blue (Revenant)
120 lbs


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