Kenas-unarpe Kamui Character in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Kenas-unarpe Kamui

Blood-Drinking Monster

Bringer of Life Kenas-unarpe Kamui


Unlike many of the ancient Kamui, primordial gods of Japan, Kenas-unarpe did not go into hiding as the ages passed. Instead, she made use of her rudimentary powers of disguise to blend in with humans as they advanced. She could not but tie her own fate to that of humanity, as her divine physiology accepted only one form of sustenance: human vitality.   Only the most ancient priests of the old faights know the methods by which Kenas-unarpe Kamui slays her victims. They are forbidden to speak of, and surely most horrible. Though she has no compunction about aiding humans, and was once even called upon to aid in childbearing, Kenas-unarpe possesses no human sense of empathy. Should she crave blood, she will kill without hesitation, even if she had lent her patronage to the same human in the past.   Of course, it only stands to reason that the vitality of powerful individuals is much more filling than that of peasants. So it is that Kenas-unarpe often disguises herself as Paseguru Kamui, ancient goddess of the hunt. Unable to change her black, featureless face, Kenas-unarpe will instead cover it with her hair, and lure mighty warriors out into the swamps with promises of a great hunt. When the human tires, she will turn on them without a word and strike, slaying them and drinking their blood.   Every once in an age, Kenas-unarpe misjudges her prey and is instead slain by the human she sought to devour. Though this has occurred more than once, she yet lurks in the crowds of Japan, apparently impossible to kill for good.

Divine Domains

Blood, life, childbearing, birth
General Rank
General Type
Divine Classification
Featureless black
Long, variable, face-covering
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Featureless black
0 lbs
Character Prototype

Character Portrait image: 昏い肌のメイド by さくたけ


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