Greater Dark Young Character in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Greater Dark Young

Ropy, Branching, Mass of Pitch


"...It was the black thing of my dreams-that black ropy, slimy, jelly tree-thing out of the woods." -Robert Bloch
A horrifying, pitch-black monstrosity somewhere between a tree, a goat, and a madman's nightmare. A few of the most powerful Lesser Dark Young will evolve into this form, something close to a god in itself. Greater Dark Young are thankfully rare, with only one known to dwell in the Blasted Heath somewhere within The Enchanted Wood. They stand taller than the trees around them, and sport more jet-black tentacle-branches than can be counted. These creatures possess some kind of alien intelligence, fed and developed by all the minds and matrices it has devoured. Though incomprehensible to human minds, their thoughts and actions reflect an undeniable evil cunning that borders on malevolent genius.   Fortunately, Sheol Nugganoth seems to display little empathy for her spawn, and any Greater Dark Young that strays too close to true divinity is soon devoured by the Black Goat's many mouths, returned to the flesh from whence it came.
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype

Character Portrait image: 黒い仔山羊 by さんみ


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