Sprocket Character in Try Again | World Anvil
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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sprocket was born of an ark in the city of _, having been adopted by a businessman turned to mayor at the time. With the city not knowing where he came from but Sprocket had known his name of _, but he had been at the ripe age of six and came with a bit of information. Things that he wouldn't remember about till he got older, till then he was raised as a normal boy of the city. With trouble making, drama, and crushes.   Learning the stepping stones of mechanics in his spare time when he wasn't being groomed for a job in business or politics at a small old man's mechanics shop by _. Who became like a grandfather to Sprocket and teach him all the other life lessons.
Things were going wonderfully for him till his sixteenth, where far more pressure was being applied by his father after he lost big in the political world. All this did was cause Sprocket to spend far more time with _(Grandpa)_. He even fell in love and got into a relationship with a boy, _, a relationship that his father didn't approve of just due to the fact that his family wasn't anything in standing.

Soon there would be the start of the end, the city started to have children appearing, starting with a couple, at least that were found in the city outskirts. After some investigation, they found that the children were coming from an ancient door that their people had tried to enter many times in their history. This Ark had restarted and with the city baseless knowledge of the place, just a simple myth that they originated from. For Sprocket, this started to bring back his own memories that he had forgotten. The city had gone on to accept these children, only for more to be found a week later. The city started to change, with the flow of children coming in came the change of view that these being where to be a new workforce.   Sprocket knew that these children were just like him, but his father had started to "collect" a new form of business so he wasn't able to convince him of anything. Even joining with a group that was trying to oppose this breach in human rights. Sprocket's life came crumbling down when the first copy had appeared, a splitting image of him as a six-year-old child. Sprocket's father snapped up the chance to buy him causing the relationship between him and his father to fell, Sprocket was locked away in the home, become an item. A rare item as well, being that he was almost an adult at seventeen. (That group that he joined) came to his rescue, freeing him and protected him for a while, but when things became too heated he had to leave the city. His father tried everything to get to him, even starting to take apart the group. _(grandpa)_ was the one to help him actually leave, giving him a junked car to at least be able to get to the next town to hide.   This would have been the plan if it weren't a manhunt that followed behind, he ended up driving as far as he could in one direction till the fuel ran out and go on foot for as far as he could. Luckily being found by traders that happen to find him passed out in a deserted waste patch of land. There he joined them for a bit as he recovered before they more or less left him at a town. A very small town that had little knowledge of the surrounding towns, let alone the closest city. He made do with it and was taken under the care of the Loom family, whether he wanted to or not. For a time in a long while did Sprocket start to have a sense of family, but he kept himself reserved in fear of his father showing up and he would have to run again.   As a year passed, Sprocket started to become attached to his adopted family while having had moved to the outer edge of the town with a house made of the scrap that was salvaged from the trash fields that the town seemed to have been developed from.

Gender Identity

Male, he/him




Works as a mechanic for passing traders and a handyman around town.
Light brown
Normal brown hair


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