Verborgen Organization in Troyvalden | World Anvil
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The Verborgen are the primary underground crime syndicate in Sturmin. They specialise in smuggling, price fixing and embezzlement from the guilds. Their membership is integrated into all of the guilds, and while their existence is well known known of the full extent of their influence is barely known to their own members.   Over the last few years, Verborgen members started acquiring magical items, including single use sending stones. Their arrival coincided with the increased influence of the Wihesmart on the Verborgen. The druidic leadership of the Wihesmart, having decided that the growing population of the Flussland was encroaching on the last remaining wild spaces of the region, started to manipulate both the Acarian nobility and the guilds of Sturmin towards a war.   Most Verborgen members are not familiar with the connection between the Verborgen and the Wihesmart, or the wider intent. They have been told that a war is brewing, but that it would be an Acarian civial war, not a conquest of Narland. They are working to arm an "underground revolution movement" in Acaria. Unbenownst to them, they are actually arming the Acarian military.   Most Verborgen members are indifferent to the prospect of war, expecting it to not transpire as "if the Acarians actually tried anything, Darstad would intervene". But manufacturing weapons at this rate is very profitable...
Illicit, Cartel
Alternative Names
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