Royal Coronations Tradition / Ritual in Tritanix 3 | World Anvil

Royal Coronations

The royal coronations are a long-standing and revered event in the eyes of almost every member of the kingdom. The ceremonies vary from kingdom to kingdom, but they all follow the same basic patterns. The first thing to do is gather everyone that needs to be there, whether it be just the royal family, the castle staff, or the entire capital. The next step is usually to announce the name of the soon-to-be ruler of the kingdom loud enough for all to hear, including their current title. After everyone is yet again reminded whose coronation it is, it's quite common for the current rulers of the kingdom will present the next generation of rulers with their new crown. Sometimes speeches are made here either by the crowned, or the crowning, depending on the kingdom's traditions. Lastly, the crown is placed atop the new ruler's head, and their name along with their new title is said aloud to the audience. Sometimes the speech is said here, again, depending on the kingdom performing the ceremony. After everything is over, most kingdoms have a ball to celebrate the new royalty. The tradition of coronations dates back almost as far as the kingdoms themselves do. Every kingdom does something a little differently with their ceremony, for example, the royalty of Lapiza have the ceremony outside the castle, someplace where the whole capital can come and see if they wish, while the royalty of Melachai have the ceremony in a great hall within the castle, so only invited guests may attend. In kingdoms where the ceremony is private, the newly crowned royal always makes a public appearance in the capital afterward, so the people may see their future leader in person.

Cover image: by Thgusstavo Santana


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