The Corporate Greeting Tradition / Ritual in Traveller: Second Contact | World Anvil

The Corporate Greeting

Greetings esteemed patron of the Galactic Corporate Empire. I extend my sincere appreciation for gracing us with your esteemed presence within these hallowed walls. May the blessings of the illustrious Galactic Corporate Empire, its noble governors, and revered corporations bestow upon you prosperity, knowledge, and boundless wonders in every aspect of your life.


The history of the corporate greeting in the Galactic Corporate Empire dates back over a millennium. It originated during the early days of the empire when powerful corporations sought to establish a distinct identity and demonstrate their commitment to providing exceptional service to customers. The greeting was crafted to be grandiose, emphasizing the empire's opulence and the noble influence of the corporate governors.   The corporate greeting became a standard practice in commercial transactions, employed by merchants, storekeepers, and even corporate representatives during official meetings. Its purpose was twofold: to create a sense of awe and prestige around the empire and to showcase the noble families' power and authority.   As the Galactic Corporate Empire grew and its culture evolved, the corporate greeting gradually fell out of favor. Over time, the society became more focused on efficiency, convenience, and practicality. The lengthy greeting was seen as archaic and unnecessary, and it didn't align with the fast-paced nature of modern commerce.   The decline in the use of the corporate greeting began a few centuries ago, with more and more people opting for a shorter, more straightforward greeting. The younger generation, in particular, found the traditional greeting cumbersome and preferred more concise interactions.   Today, the full corporate greeting is rarely used, reserved for special occasions or moments when someone wishes to emphasize tradition or pay homage to the empire's history. Most commercial transactions and social interactions now rely on a shorter, more modern greeting that gets straight to the point. However, there are still those who appreciate the grandeur of the full greeting and continue to use it, even if they are in the minority.


Under the old rules, the greeting must be said to any subject of the Empire who enters a retail store.


It is rarely observed now, though it still widely known.
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