Heu Jhazsman Character in Toril CFG-XXII | World Anvil

Heu Jhazsman

Heu Jhazsman was a human noble by birth and a former member of the Greydance. As a part of his induction into the Greydance, Hue made a pact to serve Zargon in exchange for a portion of the great old one's eldritch power. After being framed for this father's assassination, Hue left the Greydance and secluded himself in the Neverwinter Woods. He only came into the city to maintain his supply of hard liquor.
  After some time in the Woods, Heu began to hear the voice of Zargon calling to him. "You know they did it. You know they killed him." Heu always knew deep down that the Greydance were responsible for his father's death. Being drawn from the woods and into the city of Neverwinter. Heu took a job protecting a wagon on it's way to Phandalin.
  From that day forward, Heu was an adventurer, a hero, and kind of a jerk. Protecting the weak and striking fear into the hearts of evil men, Heu's frightful Eldritch Blast can strike an opponent from a frightening distance. Now free of Zargon's servitude, he and his familiar Gassier adventure with The Party into the Forbidden City of Omu. Eventually, once the Soulmonger is destroyed, he hopes to track down the Greydance, stop them from awakening Zargon, find answers about his father's death, and finally exact his... "REVENGE!".
  Heu is a Warlock of the Great Old One, how made his "Pact of the Tome" with Zargon. His Familiar, Gassier, is an Imp who also broke free of Zargon's servitude.


Heu Jhazsman

friend (Vital)

Towards Ashkazi




friend (Vital)

Towards Heu Jhazsman




Heu and Ashkazi met while undertaking a job protecting a supply wagon on it's way from Neverwinter to Phandalin. With the help of their fellow adventurers, they protected the supplies from a band of Cragmaw Bandits (this was before King Queveshenk came to power over the Cragmaw). After delivering the wagon, they continued working together, and so, The Party was founded. Ever since, Heu and Ashkazi have always relied on each other and, while different in both background and values, came to respect one-another's thirst for knowledge and mastrey of magic. One drawing his magic from a goddess, and the other from an eldritch horror, there are few foes who can stand against the cunning and craft of this infamous duo!

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They respect each other's magic and thirst for knowledge.

Heu Jhazsman

brother (Important)

Towards Debeid Hanaah



Debeid Hanaah

sister (Important)

Towards Heu Jhazsman




Debeid is convinced that Heu killed their father and is actively hunting him down. Hue is unaware that Debied is searching for him.

Debeid Hanaah (sister)
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Lord Avid Arneson by Paolo Puggioni


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