Emerald Enclave Organization in Toril | World Anvil
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Emerald Enclave

The Emerald Enclave is a modern take on an ancient organization of Druids that may very well be among the oldest organizations that remain in existence. Having generally been apolitical throughout the majority of its existence, the Emerald Enclave itself predates the Elven Civilizations, but the name doesn't. Earning its name during the time of Myth Drannor, certain members of the order became political and the Enclave spread its influences through the lands. The name is now, once more, on the decline, but there are few druids in Northern Faerun who are not members of the Enclave, whether they choose to disclose this to others or not. A vast number of remote farming settlements and barbarian tribes are partially governed by the Enclave.   Their primary cause is the preservation of Nature and maintaining the balance between Civilization and Nature. The primary political architects within the Enclave are commonly also members of the Harpers. The Zhentarim has clashed with the Enclave many times in the past, and while the two organizations do not see eye to eye and cannot entirely come to terms, the Emerald Enclave is not some tree-hugging hippie-fest but a collection of hardline druids and aristocrats and more than intelligent enough to understand that the Zhentarim is a business that requires revenue and has generally always been able to find ways to appease the Zhentarim and avoid open conflicts.   Many members of the Order of the Gauntlet eventually come into contact with the Enclave and it is rare for the two organizations to clash over matters, but they do not have much in common.   The Enclave controls many of the wild regions surrounding the Lords' Alliance lands, but the two factions get along fairly well as the Lords' Alliance is more or less a prime example of the rate of growth of a civilization that the Enclave can tolerate - though they have occasionally been suspected of manipulating barbarian tribes into attacking overreaching settlements.
Founding Date
347 DR
Religious, Druidic Circle

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