The Cult of the Dragon Organization in Toril | World Anvil

The Cult of the Dragon

The Cult of the Dragon, also known as Keepers of the Secret Hoard, or Wearers of Purple, is a semi-religious organisation which used to venerate undead dragons, or dracoliches, founded by Sammaster, a powerful wizard. Even though Sammaster has died, was risen as a lich, and fell again, his cult is slowly putting itself back together as they have been raiding smaller villages and cities with a hidden goal.


Keepers of the Secret Hoard

This higher-echelon of the Cult of the Dragon exists of the true believers within the cult. This group is comprised of wizards, most commonly necromancers, a handful of priests and clerics and the most ruthless and vicious of the Cult warriors. Even though the Cult doesn't focus on dracoliches as much as they used to, a mage of the Cult has the arcane knowledge required to take active duty in providing dragons with beneficial magical items as well as prepare the esoteric potions and rituals needed for a dragon to become a dracolich. 
    The Keepers of the Secret Hoard exists of five subgroups.    


Five members comprise the Cult's highest echelon. Each member represents a primary colour of the chromatic dragons and is usually filled by Draconic Lineages Genasi.   


These cultists are locally appointed leaders to oversee larger organisations and plans. Every once in a while a Dragonsoul gets appointed to Wearer of Purple by a Wyrmspeaker as a sign of their leadership above the other Dragonsouls.  


Dragonfangs are assistants to Dragonsouls in the form of bodyguards or are important mages with grand knowledge of necromancy.  


These cultists are in control of Dragonclaws in certain areas.  


After being a part of the Cult of the Dragon for months or years you can officially enter by passing a series of tests before attaining the rank of dragonclaw. These typically handle with lowerranking members such as smugglers, spies etc.           

Followers of the Scaly Way

These followers typically don't actually follow the same motive as the rest of the cultists do, instead this group mainly exists of smugglers, spies, and swordsmen looking to make some money. They are unaware of any of the Cult of the Dragon's plans and just follow orders.