Session 73: The City of Kortar Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 73: The City of Kortar Report

General Summary

Session 73 – Wednesday March 13, 2024 – The City of Kortar

4-hour social session with a touch of combat 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

The Stone Bearers. Party of 5

It is the 9th day of the month of Hammer (Deepwinter) in the 51st year of the Age of Enialis (Early Jan)
  • Abrash – Wood (Desert) Elf, L12 Druid – Jacob Munson (Remote)
  • Ajani– High Elf, L12 Wizard – Nathan Gioconda (Absent)
  • Gazlowe – Goblin, L12 Artificer – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Cassidy – Human, L12 Blood hunter – Ryan Armstrong (Remote)
  • Isabella – Forest Gnome, L12 Barbarian – Jackie Armstrong
  • Juan Peyote – Gnome L12 Paladin – Will Johnson

The Enucleator

The battle was over, the mouths fell to the floor and stopped moving. Cassidy walked up to the large device that Lord Syuul was manipulating. He looked through the glass panel next to the controls and saw a 10-foot-deep vat of some sort of liquid. An orc’s disassembled body was floating inside a liquid. The detached eyes glanced up at Cassidy and the mouth on the dethatched head seemed to cry out in pain. Cassidy began to examine the control panel and was able to make out several control options in addition to termination, extraction and cancel process:
  • Bone Spikes
  • Chromatophores
  • Redundant Organs
  • Relentless
  • Tentacle Arms
Cassidy examined the panel some more and noticed that 3 “charges” remained. She decided to cancel the process. The Orc’s body was reassembled, and the liquid forced the orc out of the contraption. Clearly still in pain the Orc asked who they were and what was going on. The party explained who they were and that they killed the Illithids. The orc asked, “Where is my sister?”

Gorar and Gosha

Cassidy mentioned that there may be a female orc frozen in some sort of statis pod in the next room. Gazlowe (concerned about the orc stealing something of value) went with him. Gazlowe introduced himself and showed him where the pod was. The orc told him his name is “Gorar” and he needs to rescue his sister Gosha. Gazlowe examined the controls but couldn’t read Undercommon. Gazlowe realized he’d be guessing and told Gorar he could try to revive her, but he couldn’t guarantee it. Gorar promised to aid the party if he saved his sister.   Gazlowe made a good, educated guess and executed the proper button sequence to revive Gosah. In a beautiful moment celebrating the siblings’ bond, the orcs hugged. Gorar told his sister that Gazlowe saved them both and offered to Gazlowe to fulfil his vow. Gazlowe tried to dismiss him and let them go. Gosha saw that her brother was in bad shape and offered to take his place. She asked Gazlowe if he needs an armorer. Gazlowe quickly said, “Yes!” Gosha (very attractive for an orc) insisted that Gorar go back home, and she will fulfil his vow and aid the Stone Bearers.

The Transporter

Gazlowe brought Gosha back to the party and introductions were made. Cassidy gave her the +3 forget me stick that nobody was using. Abrash had healed Vor’pat. Cassidy mentioned the “possible enhancements” from the Enucleator. Gazlowe wanted to look at the treasure and Vor’pat wanted to find the transporter.   Vor’pat explained that this sphere is made from biological matter, but its basis is an Illithid ship that has a transportation device powered by the psionic ability of the Illithid. It could be used by them to bring more Illithid here or transport them to other planes. The party discussed various options from destroying it to using it, but in the end, Vor’pat wanted to stand guard over it and kill any Illithid that may come through. He explained that when they first come through, they are in a weakened state and can be easily killed.   Vor’pat thanked the party for fulfilling their vow to him. He released them from any further obligation. He decided to leave the party and devote his time here to continue his fight against the Illithid.

The Treasure:

Gazlowe opened the three chests, one contained some magical items, another contained potions and scrolls, and the third contained treasure (See Treasure found.) Isabella wanted the magical shortsword. Nobody wanted the tentacle rod. Juan took the rope of climbing. They split up the potions and saved the scrolls for Ajani. Coins went into the portable hole. Gosha looked at the unique metal ingots and contemplated a way that she might be able to make armor with it.

Using The Enucleator

Cassidy examined controls and told the party that they could possibly use this device to “enhance” someone. Abrash declined. Juan raised his hand and said, “Oh me! Oh me! Pick me!” Juan chose “Redundant organs” and climbed into the device. Cassidy manipulated the controls and gave him an extra heart, liver, kidney, spleen, etc. After an hour of excruciating pain, Juan was reassembled and extracted from the device. He gained a permanent advantage on death saving throws.   Cassidy chose Chromatophores and entered the device. After an hour, the device went “ding” and Cassidy emerged. Her skin gained the camouflaging qualities of a squid. Once per long rest, as an action, she can now make herself invisible for 10 minutes or until she attacks, cast a spell, or otherwise manifests a power.   Isabella and Gazlowe both wanted tentacle arms. They quickly drew lots and Isabella won. Isabella entered the device and Cassidy manipulated the controls. After an hour, she came out with 10-foot tentacles as arms. The tentacles were not attractive, but they could be retracted. She now has a 10-foot reach.

The Kinesthetic Projection

At the end of all this, the party took a short rest. Isabella attuned to the short sword known as a Kinesthetic projection. Gazlowe identified it beforehand and explained what it can do. He told her:   “Many warriors claim the sword they wield is an extension of themself—an allegory at best. But this shortsword, forged from viscera, bone, and shattered psyches, makes the statement literal. The sword’s bony blade narrows into a handle, wrapped in fleshy tendrils. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this shortsword, and it deals an extra 1d6 psychic damage on a hit.   As a bonus action, you can spend 2 Hit Dice to extend this weapon’s reach by 10 feet for 1 minute. Additionally, for the duration, you can use an action to make a melee weapon attack against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 25 feet directly toward you (no damage).”   Unfortunately, he didn’t know the item was cursed. After attuning she found the sword actually fused itself to her own tentacles stitching her bones to the handle and binding her flesh to the sinewy wraps. She can’t let go of the sword or use her fused hand to hold another object. They did figure out that this effect ends, and the sword detaches if she is targeted by a remove curse spell. While attached to her hand, whether she remains attuned to the sword or not, she now has violent nightmares whenever she closes her eyes, and she takes 1d6 psychic damage whenever she finishes a short or long rest.

Where to?

The party discussed heading back, or figuring out what happened over the past several days of which they have no memory. Gosha had no idea what the black marks on their wrists were. Seeing the vampire bites she did mention the current two-week Vampire holiday of Sure’Phat where the dysfunctional vampire families gather in the Shadowfell. But she didn’t know much more about it.   The party reviewed the list of the other various items on their to-do list. Gazlowe told them he didn’t like to-do lists as they put unnecessary pressure on him. They decided to let Abrash lead them back to the material plane. The map he had showed them from the camp site to the Kortar and the Illithid cave. They didn’t have the original map that Ashyra had given them. Abrash decided to cast locate object to see if he could find the map, but it must have been too far away for the spell to detect.   As they proceeded to follow the map back to the camp site they debated finding the vampires again. Abrash mentioned that he needs to go to Kortar since they have a way to turn his desert back into a forest. The party was reluctant, but Abrash was insistent, so they started to go to Kortar.

Ennek the Shadar-kai buyer.

The party heard a voice call out, “Ho there.” As they saw 4 Shadar-kai approaching. The one in the front, called out. “It is I Ennek, good to see you again. So do you have anything now?” Gazlowe asked to be reminded of the previous conversation, and Ennek said, “About a day and ½ ago to the west, you’d told me you’d have things to sell after you task with the Illithid.” Ennek was a purchaser and offered diamonds and gold for anything from magical items to small personal trinkets. He seemed to emphasize “personal.” Isabella was concerned about the emphasis on “personal.” The party sold the following:
  • The Tentacle Rod for 3,800 gp worth of diamonds.
  • The Cuddly kobold for 50gp.
  • Cassidy was only offered the universal solvent 300gp. She felt hurt. Gazlowe gave her 400 gp for it.
  • The Chime of opening for 1,000 gp.
  • Two potions of water breathing potion for 350 gp each.
  • A Golden egg for 300gp in emeralds.

Fodoro and his pet.

The party continued to Kortar and they heard a loud voice say, “Hey Mikey, it’s them Stone Bearer’s again.” They were approached by a hideous Fomorian giant with a ghastly spirt called a Fleshspurned ghost hunter floating beside him. Again the party had no recollection of the previous conversation but clearly the Giant knew who they were. He introduced himself as “Fodoro (FOE-dur-oh) although some call me “fuh-DOOR-oh.” He told them that his friend Mikey (the Fleshspurned spirt) likes to eat ghosts and any other incorporeal creatures, and he’s headed off into the forest to feed him as he’s very hungry.   Fodoro asked if they were successful on their quest and the party told them their story. Fordoro then asked, “How’d those Vampire’s work out? You went right into their lair!” Eventually he said, “You don’t remember a bit of that do you?” and the party admitted it. He explained that the vampires helped them out and then you help them out. He also explained that the marks on their wrist will let them back into the mansion safely. He even drew a map for them on how to get back to the Vampire mansion. He bid them fare well as took Mikey to eat some ghosts. He snickered, “If you need anything and I’m in earshot, just scream hysterically!”   The party asked, “Why did we need Vampire help?” Gazlowe analyzed the marks on the wrist the more he realized that there is a pattern to the swoosh mark, and each one is identical. Gazlowe copied the details into his journal. He also realized the ink would last at least another week. Cassidy tried to identify if they were under the effects of a spell. Abrash offered a greater restoration once they sit down for a long rest. The party again debated going to Kortar now or to the vampires. They agreed on Kortar.

A Coat rack in the Shadowfell

As the party approached the cave to Kortar they saw a coat rack about 60 feet away (off the path.) Abrash examined from a far and told the party, it looks like 3 black leather cloaks. Isabella and Gazlowe walked to the coatrack as Gazlowe said, “Surely this isn’t a creature disguised as a coat.” But as he reached out to grab it, the 3 Cloaker monstrosities sprung to life. The first one scared Isabella but the party reacted quickly. Isabella used her new sword, Gazlowe cast Shatter and hurt the creatures. Gosha aided the party and attacked with her club.   Two of the Cloakers started flickering making them harder to hit. Abrash cast faerie fire making the things easier to hit. Isabella shouted out “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi” blinding all of them. Gazlowe punched the first one and killed it. Gosha walked up to Juan and adjusted his armor giving him a bonus to his AC. Juan bloodied one of the creatures. The blind creatures couldn’t hit anyone and couldn’t shake off the blindness. Abrash cast guiding bolt on the creature leaving it critically hurt. Isabella finished it off. Isabella then laid into the remaining Cloaker. Gazlowe landed a punch blooding the creature. Juan finished it off.   The party salvaged the creatures for their leather. They collected enough for 4 blankets, a tail to make a flail and a claw that could be made into a clasp. Cassidy collected 2 vials of cloaker blood that during downtime could make a potion of stealth that can grant advantage on stealth checks for 1 hour.


The entered the cave where the map said Kortar is. The cave was a large cavern complex and they found portions of an ancient city intermingled in the cavern as if it were transported directly into the rock. They found ancient skeletons of people half embedded in the rock as were many buildings, homes etc. They eventually found a building that seemed to be more intact with a function front door. Gazlowe opened the door to a large chamber where a large Boneclaw inside pointed at them and screamed. Juan said, “sorry, wrong room” as Gazlowe closed it and then locked it. The party backed away.   The doorknob turned with a click but didn’t open. A voice from inside said, “One moment, I need to find the key.” A few moments later and an odd undead looking humanoid wearing a wizard robe opened the door. There were 2 Boneclaws 10 feet behind him. He said, “Yes?” Gazlowe held out his hand and introduced himself. The wizard didn’t shake his hand but said he is “Fatine.” Abrash asked very straightforward, “I seek how to turn a desert into a forest please.” Fatine invited them in and brought them before a council.

The Council of Kortar

Fatine brought the party into a large chamber and left them with 2 Boneclaws guarding the door. Fatine came back after a short while with 4 others. The council sat in the chairs in the front of the room. One was clearly a lich and in the back was a demilich named Donie. All the others looked undead; one was once clearly a drow. The one in the front introduced himself as High Mage Hissup.   Abrash explained that his home was once a forest but now is a desert and he seeks knowledge on how to turn it back. High Mage Hissup asked on what pane and world his home is. Abrash explained that his home is on the Material plane on the world of Toril in the far east. The High Mage was surprised to hear Toril and asked, “Tell me of the High Forest?” He told them that Kortar used to be in the High Forest but 3,000 years ago a magical accident transported them here. They party gave a very high outline of the current events in the forest. Hissup asked if the different elves are getting along. They party told him no and Hissup responded, “Nothing has changed.”

The Sh’nall Tree

The High Mage Hissup asked if they were familiar with the Sh’nall Tree. Cassidy had heard legends of an extinct tree called the Sh’nall that produced a fruit that could feed many. A single tree could feed a village, a grove could feed a small nation. Wars were fought over this tree. The High Mage waxed eloquently on the concepts of good and evil and greed and charity. “Those who controlled the trees controlled the food, they as a result had great power, does that make them good or evil? They could be either. Having great power doesn’t make one evil.” He explained that the trees are very difficult to maintain, they take great care plus Druidic magic.   Even though the tree is extinct in Toril, there happens to be a seed in the Shadowfell. He told them that there is a place called the Forest of Apparition. Filled with wraiths and wraith-like creatures. Even the trees can be incorporeal. He told them that within this forest is a single seed of the Sh’nall tree. He told the party, “Bring me the seed, and I will teach the magic that can help grow this tree which, will transform the desert around it. The magic is powerful and requires sacrifice but first bring me the seed and if you are capable of that we will discuss the other requirements needed to complete this feat and the magic it requires. Beware of making assumptions.”

The Forest of Apparition

The party asked, “Should we try to talk to the Wraiths?” Gazlowe suggested, maybe we can bring Mikey? The party agreed to go find Fodoro. They went to the edge of the forest where Fodoro headed and called out to him (Cassidy cast Thaumaturgy and screamed hysterically.) They saw in the distance an ancient Shadow dragon fly over the forest. Its head turned in their direction at Cassidy’s scream, but it didn’t head toward them.   A Giant roar responded to Cassidy’s scream and after a few moments Fodoro and Mikey found them. They party told Fodoro that they’re going to the Forest of Apparition and Mikey may be useful. Fodoro was excited to join them as he has heard of the forest.   The party had no idea what the seed looked like, nor did they know how they would find it in a forest. They made it to the location where the forest was supposed to be but nothing was there. After a few minutes, the entire forest phased into existence before them…

Rewards Granted

Treasure found:

In Lord Syuul’s Hoard

  • A Magical Shortsword type of weapon with tentacles hanging from the hilt.
  • Tentacle rod made of an unidentified creature’s flesh.
  • Rope of climbing with fleshy fibers
  • Potion of flying
  • Splash Potion of superior healing
  • Splash Potion of supreme healing
  • 3rd Level Scroll of Pulse Wave
  • 4th level Scroll of Gravity Sinkhole
  • 6th level Scroll of Gravity Fissure
  • Vial of oil of etherealness
  • 10 pieces of gold jewelry, each fashioned to wear on a voiceless talker’s tentacles (worth 60 gp each)
  • 90 ingots of metal from an alien plane of existence (worth 100 gp each)
  • 10 fleshwork statuettes (worth 300 gp each)
  • Ornate fleshwork box with a collection of copper coins from across the planes (worth 500 gp)
  • 1 diamond (worth 1,000 gp)
  • Pouch of ruby dust (worth 3,500 gp)
  • 9,000 sp
  • 6,000 gp
  • 450 pp
The Forest
Thomas Elliot
Abrash Asim
Chaotic Good Moon Wood Elf (Folk Hero)
Druid 1
9 / 9 HP
Report Date
17 Mar 2024