Session 60: Nithrithvinae nith-rith-VIN-æ Tombs part 2 Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 60: Nithrithvinae nith-rith-VIN-æ Tombs part 2 Report

General Summary

Session 60 – Wednesday November 22, 2023 – Nithrithvinae tombs (nith-rith-VIN-æ) part 2.

4-hour exploration session 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM

The Stone Bearers. Party of 6

It is the 15th day of the month of Nightal (The Drawing Down) in the 50th year of the Age of Enialis (Mid December.)
  • Abrash – Wood (Desert) Elf, L10 Druid – Jacob Munson
  • Ajani– High Elf, L10 Wizard – Nathan Gioconda
  • Gazlowe – Goblin, L10 Artificer – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Cassidy – Human, L10 Blood hunter – Ryan Armstrong (Live and in person)
  • Isabella – Forest Gnome, L10 Barbarian – Jackie Armstrong
  • Juan Peyote – Gnome L10 Paladin – Will Johnson

Abrash and Ajani ask for help.

Abrash told Tim’othy of his homeland, the city of Pazar, known as the oasis of the White Palm in the Rorian desert. The land was cursed and Abrash and Ajani’s parents went to find a way to restore the oasis, but never returned. The conversation continued for a bit and Tim’othy asked a series of questions. After a while he told Abrash that he could possibly identify the root cause and help him fix but he’d need to do some research.   Ajani asked what would need to be done to become a Baelnorn. Tim’othy told Ajani that he would be well suited and offered to help him. But first Ajani needs to learn more magic and increase in power. Once he learns Time Stop he should come back and Tim’othy would teach him more. Tim’othy provided a general outline of the location of the other Baelnorns and their general location in the labyrinth. Abrash took notes and the others left with the others.

Exploring the labyrinth.

The party was disguised as elves, but they were not very stealthy. They came to an intersection and were spotted by a group of revenants. The Revenants clutched their fists and started to approach, but the elven disguises did their job and the Revenants backed away. Abrash spotted a mysterious shadow behind them that faded back into the darkness.   They came to another hall like the first where they met Tim’othy. Abrash again smelled the ozone and Gazlowe knew the door was trapped. They convinced Ajani to try to open it since he’s an elf. Abrash offered to try in place of his brother. The others stayed in a safe place while He walked up and opened the door, but the lightning bolt still shot down the hall. Abrash jumped out of the way but still took some damage.

Zachar’y of house Udhyea (EWD-yay)

The door opened and the Baelnorn said to a scorched Abrash, “Not from house Udhyea are you?” The others went into the room disguised as elves and Gazlowe convincingly said, “Hello fellow elf.” The Baelnorn introduced himself as Zachar’y of house Udhyea and convinced by the group that they were harmless and of house Minnejab, agreed to answer their questions within reason.   The Stone bearers asked if he had seen Niptu and Zachar’y told them that he had heard from others that a powerful being was around, he himself had not been visited by this Niptu. Zachar’y told the group that he had gleaned from conversations with his fellow Baelnorns, that Niptu is trying to stir up animosity amongst the peoples of Faerûn. Zarchar’y told the Stone bearers that he was an expert in the peoples of Faerûn and he seemed a bit hurt that Niptu did not seek him out. But he was thoroughly convinced that Niptu is trying to start easy wars.   Zachar’y explained that there are many people groups that have long seeded, and, in many cases, ancient animosity and it doesn’t take much to stir up fights where hate already exists. The orcs and pretty much all humanoids, the Giants and the Dragons, the Sun and Wood elves, Demons and Devils, Humans, and elves. Seed the right rumors, kill the right person and leave the right evidence and wars between ancient enemies are almost guaranteed.   Cassidy pointed out that Devils and Demons are always at war. Zachar’y agreed but pointed out those battles are always confined to the Abyss and the hells, not the Material plane. Gazlowe asked if he knew why Niptu would do this? Zachar’y surmised that if individual wars break out, everyone becomes weak and it’s easy for a very powerful entity to seize control.

Ascalhorn – Hellgate Keep

Cassidy asked about Hellgate keep. Zachar’y gave a brief overview:   The fortress town of Ascal’s horn was founded about 1,915 years ago by the Eaerlanni elves in the northeastern corner of the High Forest as a guard post against the orc hoards. Following the fall of the human Netheril Empire the Elves allowed human refugees into Ascalhorn. Over time their population grew, and the humans eventually took over the keep and simply called it Ascalhorn. The Eaerlanni had two conditions: The first was that they had to help defend the kingdom, for they felt the humans were better fit for dealing with guarding against the orc hordes, while the second was that they had to abandon the use of Netherese magic.   The humans became corrupt and one named Wulgreth secretly summoned a devil who corrupted some of the mages who were tricked into becoming liches. Once the knowledge of the devil become known other wizards (tricked by Fey’ri) summoned demons to fight the devils. The Fey’ri of hose Dlardrageth became known to the Eaerlanni elves. But within 2 years the demons had become victorious, and the cost was much of the northeastern portion of the high forest.   This is how the place became known as Hellgate keep. There were many attempts by various groups to take back the place, but it wasn’t until about 200 years ago that the Mistmaster hatched a plan to use the Gatekeeper Crystal to destroy the place that it finally became subdued. The Gatekeeper Crystal destroyed many of the magical protections within leaving dead and chaotic magic zones. The Treants now protect the area and have destroyed much of the top of the gulch, rolling rocks and debris onto the ruins below. Zachar’y also mentioned that there are some vague mentions in some histories of an ancient prison that was also underground in that area.

Red and white lady

Abrash asked how he could make peace between the red and the white lady. Zachar’y knew them by their original names and didn’t offer much advice. He seemed to be more concerned with possible conflicts in interest between Elves and Humans. The best solution is to give them a common goal. The party thanked Zachar’y for the information and then went back into the Labyrinth.

Greg’ory of house Tanaliph (TAN-a-leaf)

They came to another (what they now recognized) as a house door. Ajani started piecing together pieces of the ancient elven script and was able to make out “House Tanaliph.” He walked down the familiar hallway with the smell of ozone and this time knocked on the door. The voice behind the door greeted them but refused to open the door. Ajani tried to persuade them that they are from house Minnejab and Tim’othy sent them, but they didn’t remember his favorite color. Cassidy had everyone stand back as she opened the door and took some lightning damage.   Cassidy recalled that Greg’ory was an expert on the Sundering. They confirmed that Niptu had been here and had extracted information about the Sundering from Greg’ory. Greg’ory was forced to give Niptu a book on the specific rituals used. Greg’ory then gave a brief overview of the Sundering.

The Sundering

Ever'Sakkatien (as called by the Tel-quessir) was a High Magic ritual cast by the greatest elven high mages of the Tel-quessir during the period of the First Flowering, around −19,100 AOE. The ritual resulted in the creation of the isle of Evermeet (a true eternal protected paradise for Elves), but also resulted in widespread disaster that destroyed or altered much of Faerûn and might even be the cause of much of the non-uniformity of the Weave throughout the continent.   The ancient elves spent hundreds of years preparing for the ritual. They built a white tower higher than any ever built and when the time was right mages from every tribe (except the dark elves) assembled at the top of the tower. A young wild elf named Starleaf was the focus of the spell. Her place was in the middle of the tower, and she began a magical song and the mages joined in. They unleashed the magic of the Weave and funneled it through their bodies and fueled it with their own life forces, ripping their very souls from their bodies.   Starleaf was the only one who survived the casting and she saw the others die. But she also felt the tremors of Toril as it was ripped apart to form an island in the Trackless Sea. The coast of Faerûn was destroyed by tremendous earthquakes and floods. Hundreds of elven settlements were destroyed, and others were changed forever. Another change was perhaps more dramatic as far as future generations were concerned—the city of Atorrnash (the capital city of the Dark Elves) was destroyed and with it much of the first Ilythiir empire. Many dark elves died, most of them were worshipers of Vhaeraun and with that, Lolth became the dominant goddess for the survivors.   But the original goal was achieved: a place for the good elves of Faerûn was created and the island of Evermeet rose from the depths of the sea. When the casting was done, Starleaf awoke at Evermeet and met there the gods Corellon Larethian and Angharradh. Both revealed that the elves had succeeded with their help. That also meant that the elves were not the only ones to be blamed for the destruction wrought on Faerûn.

Moving on.

The party asked who Greg’ory’s favorite Balenorn is, and like Tim’othy he said, “Gregor’y.” He also told them Tim’othy’s favorite color is orange and gave them a detailed description of the book about the Sundering that Niptu has. He told them a secret about William’ the Baelnorn who knows about Lichdom: “William’ accidentally killed a dog when he completed the Baelnorn ritual.” The party thanked him and went back into the labyrinth and avoided the undead.

Gregor’y of house Buener (buey-NAIR)

The party found the entrance to house Buener and Cassidy mentioned this is where everyone’s favorite Baelnorn Gregor’y is. “He’s the expert on Rakshasas.” They opened the outer door and found the inner door was already opened a crack. They all went down the hall, opened the door and found Gregor’y had been killed in a most horrific manner.   His body was cut into small one-inch pieces and attached to the wall. Behind each piece of his body was a magical rune that they determined was a sort of dispel magic type of rune. They determined that this process was done to him slowly. Perhaps he wasn’t as forthcoming with information about the Rakshasa and Niptu tortured him to death.   Gazlowe searched the room and found two 100gp diamonds. Cassidy took a vial of blood. The party tried to determine if all his parts were there, but it was too much of a mess to really figure out. They also noted that a book was clearly taken but they could only assume it contained information about the rakshasa Kahmit. The party moved on.

Timothy’ of house Veil

They avoided creatures again and found the entrance to the house Veil. They walked down the trapped hall and knocked on the door. A voice behind the door answered and Gazlowe (trying to speak in a snotty elvish accent) told him that Gregor’y has been killed. The door opened and Timothy’ of House Veil looked shaken by the news. They convinced Timothy’ that they were all elves of house Minnejab and proved it by knowing that Tim’othys favorite color was orange.   Timothy’ led the party on a walk to house Buener’s vault to see his favorite cousin Gregor’y. Along the way a group of mummies started to approach and Timothy’ cast wall of force to keep them at bay. They came to the murder scene and Timothy’ fell to his knees. After a moment he gathered himself and offered to share with the Stone Bearers any information to help them stop Niptu.   Timothy’ was an expert on summoning creatures and told the Stone Bearers that Niptu had already summoned a Olothec. As he described it, the party realized they already killed Ithu’rath. Timothy’ then described another aberration that Niptu was interested in, an Overmind. Similar to a Beholder but more dangerous. To aid the party he explained some of the features of an Overmind and gave Ajani a Gate spell scroll in a book with three names of powerful creatures.


The party left Timothy’ in his mourning and went to find another Baelnorn. They quickly encountered the mummies as the wall of force was now faded. The mummies wiffed constantly making the battle pretty quick. Only Cassidy was cursed. Abrash used his final 5th level spell to cast greater restoration to remove the cures. There was no significant treasure other than the gold on the sarcophagi and Gazlowe saw that Isabella was too anxious to wait a couple hours to let him chip it off. Isabella threw one of the splash potions onto Cassidy and Abrash cast healing spirit on her. The party moved on.

Gregory’ of house Charissa (char-iss-AH)

The party wandered through the caverns and found a door that Ajani noted was house Charissa. They opened the door and wandered down the trapped hall. Gazlowe knocked on the door and persuaded the Baelnorn to open the door because he had bad news about Gregor’y. Gregory’ welcomed them in and the party explained what happened to everyone’s favorite Baelnorn.   The party asked Gregory’ if he’d seen Niptu and Gregory’ showed a scar on his arm and explained that he was forced to provide Niptu information. He provided Niptu with the key information on how to teach Fire Giants innate magical abilities including teleportation via fire or lava. With this magical ability this could upset the Ordning and the Fire Giants could even challenge the Storm giants. Gregory’ explained that the use of Weavite can artificially expedite the process making them even more powerful for a period. But once the weavite wears off (about 8 hours after consumption) they may be vulnerable.   The party asked about what impact a change to the internal Ordning of the Giants would have on the rest of the world. Timothy’ explained that the Giants would then be attempting to prove their greatness to their gods, and this would include (as it did about 50 years ago) feats of destruction and battles and other such acts. This could include battles against Elves, men or even dragons. Fire giants destroying a lair of Red Dragons would certainly be an act that the Fire Giants believe would elevate them in the Ordning. 50 years ago, it is rumored that they sought an ancient Adamantine weapon that would aid them in the destruction of Dragons.   Abrash said, “We need to make allies.” The party talked about who they could talk to. Gregory’ offered some assistance by giving the party 2 potions of Storm Giant Strength and 1 potion of Hill Giant Strength. He then told the party that if they happen to kill a Fire Giant or two to please bring him some fingernails.

List of Baelnorns:

  1. Buener (buey-NAIR) Greg-OR-ee - Rakshasa lore – Found dead and dispelled.
  2. Moshni (MOSH-ni) Wil-EE-am - Dragons
  3. Veil Tim-o-THAY - Summoning creatures from other planes
  4. Udhyea (EWD-yay) Zach-ARE-ee - history of the peoples for Faerûn
  5. Charissa (char-iss-AH) Greg-or-EE - Giants
  6. Vuenzul (vwayne-ZHUL) ZACH-ar-ee -Astral plane
  7. Nad Will-ee-AM - Lichdom
  8. Tanaliph (TAN-a-leaf) GREG-or-ee - the sundering
  9. Dag WILL-ee-am - Nether scrolls
  10. Ersha (er-SHAW) Zach-ar-EE - The Sharven Elves
  11. Peshjo (PESH-jo) Tim-OH-thy - Secrets of the Netherese Mythallar
  12. Minnejab (MIN-eh-jab) TIM-o-thy - Alchemist - protect a phylactery and Weavite

Rewards Granted

Treasure found:

From Timo’thy’s lab

  • Two 100gp gems

From Timothy'

  • A Gate scroll with a book containing the names of 3 creatrues.

From Gregory’

  • 2 potions of Storm Giant Strength
  • 1 potion of Hill Giant Strength
The Forest
Thomas Elliot
Abrash Asim
Chaotic Good Moon Wood Elf (Folk Hero)
Druid 1
9 / 9 HP
Report Date
29 Nov 2023