Toril Troglodytes
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3/10 22:00

The party dealt with a troglodyte threat, blew up a part of the sewers (without damage caused,) and earned the respect of Civilar Bruman of the Waterdeep City Watch.

Upon returning to Trollskull Manor, the party heard terrible screams from the streets outside. Investigation lead them to a murdered person, with the Waterdeep City Watch investigating the scene. Leaving the Watch to handle the street level investigation, they descended into the sewers for the third time in as many days.

Caitlin cleared a massive growth of green slime by detonating sewer gas, leaving the way clear for the party to encounter and engage a whole small band of troglodytes. The battle was fierce and taxed the party greatly; even with the help of Civilar Bruman and another guardsman of the Watch, they were hard-pressed to win. In the end though, they prevailed, and found evidence that the troglodytes had been under some form of mental domination.

In the course of the battle, Bruman's comrade was downed and bleeding out. The party stabilized him, saving his life, earning Civilar Bruman's gratitude and respect.

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History of the Party
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