Toril Acquisitions, Incorporated
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Acquisitions, Incorporated


4/10 6:00
4/10 7:00

The party visited the site of the sinkhole that opened up, causing the earthquake. There was nothing they could do for the city, but learned that Acquisitions, Incorporated might have things they could help with. They went to meet Omin Dran.

The party go to the site of the sinkhole that opened in Waterdeep and learned that there's nothing they could do personally, but that Acquisitions, Incorporated was always looking for people like them. They were told to ask after Omin Dran.

They immediately went to the Acq. Inc. headquarters, where a rather brusque and busy receptionist made them wait a while before sending them in to meet with Mr. Dran.

Dran had already started hearing buzz about the party as a result of their handling of the Floon Blagmaar situation, and was open to discussing the possibility of the party starting an Acquisitions, Incorporated franchise. He informed them that their active territory, should they be approved for a franchise, would be Phandalin and its surrounding areas.

He also revealed a legend about Trollskull Manor, that a powerful enchantment was said to lay under the building that would let one travel to Phandalin. He did not know how it worked or what its precise nature was, however.