Silmaniir Settlement in Toril | World Anvil
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The main city of the Wood Elves native to Cyradon. The city is set high up in the massive trees, with the residences, shops, and other establishments carved into the trees themselves. The numerous trees that make up the city are linked together with rope bridges ensuring the entire city can be accessed without returning to the ground.


There is no information on any military or defense force for Silmaniir, though there have been reports of a shadowy figure that follows intruders in the forest. Many refer to this figure as the 'Scythe of Silmaniir' or the 'Silmani Scythe'.


Not much is known of Silmaniir, though there are rumors that the Silmani have a portal to a different plane located somewhere in the city.
Alternative Name(s)
The city in the Trees
Inhabitant Demonym
Silmani (sil-MON-ee)
Location under
Characters in Location


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