Hehr Character in Torika | World Anvil


High Lord, the Royal General

Hehr is a roneron high noble and royal general who lead the roneron army in the 12th roneron-kurwresen war.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hehr's birth was shrouded in secrecy due to the circumstances of his parentage. His mother, a low-born Roneron, had an affair with a high lord, a member of the highest echelons of nobility in Roneron. As soon as Hehr was born, his biological mother was murdered, a tragic event that cast a shadow over his early life. His father, burdened by the scandal and perhaps motivated by guilt or shame, ensured that Hehr's upbringing was marked by hardship, making his existence more challenging than that of his legitimate siblings...


Hehr's upbringing was rigorous and demanding, as his father, intent on grooming him for a military career, oversaw his training as a soldier and future general. Enduring relentless instruction and harsh discipline, Hehr was pushed to his limits, often facing punishment not only from his instructors but also from his father and especially his stepmother, harbored resentment and disdain towards him due to his illegitimate status.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Hehr's journey was marked by significant achievements and decisive actions:
He eliminated his treacherous family members, who had conspired to aid slaves in gaining their freedom.
Uncovering a plot against the young king, Hehr garnered the support of numerous loyal nobles, rallying them to defend the throne.
Displaying remarkable military prowess, he swiftly conquered the formidable Claw Fortress in the Dragon Mountains within a matter of hours.
In a historic victory, Hehr led his forces to triumph in the 12th War against the Kurwresen, securing a coveted and long-awaited triumph for his people.

Failures & Embarrassments

A big embarrassment for Hehr in the public eye was that he failed conquering the claw fortress silently. A few Kurwresen soldiers got away during the battle and warned the enemy who then could prepare.

Year of Birth
2241 NA 133 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
He was born as a bastered
Long blonde


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