Wind Spores Species in Toriel | World Anvil

Wind Spores

Wind spore mushrooms are rare fungi that are highly valued for their unique magical properties. They grow along the edges of springs, where they can be easily harvested by those who know what they are looking for. The caps of wind spore mushrooms are distinctive, with a soft, spongy texture that is perfect for squeezing. When the cap of a wind spore mushroom is squeezed, it releases a small cloud of spores into the air.   These spores are what give the wind spore its magical properties. They are tiny pieces of the mushroom, rich in oxygen and other essential elements that allow creatures to breathe for up to 1 hour without the need for air. This makes the wind spore mushroom a valuable resource for travelers and adventurers who find themselves in environments where air is scarce.   Each wind spore mushroom is worth 30 gp.  


A character who examines the mushrooms must ssucceeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check identifies these mushrooms as wind spores.   When a creature squeezes a wind spore mushroom’s cap, it releases a small cloud of spores. For 1 hour, the creature doesn’t need to breathe, as the spores provide it with oxygen.   A wind spore is worth 30 gp, and can generally be found in group of 2d4 mushrooms

General Information

Scientific name
Aerospore fungalis
Geographic Distribution
Near springs


Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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