White Whale Character in Toriel | World Anvil

White Whale

Spirit of weave

The White Whale, also known as the Beast of the Silver Void, was a massive beast resembling a white whale that had the ability to fly. The White Whale keep on terrorizing planar travelers for centuries, devouring merchants, armies, and even towns and cities.  


Physical features

The White Whale was estimated to be around fifty meters long and had skin as hard as stone that scattered magical energy from incoming attacks, dulling their force. It had a large curved horn protruding from its forehead and a wheel-like sigil on its back that allowed it to fly. Its eyes were usually yellow but would turn red when it felt threatened.  


The White Whale can release two types of mist from the glands across its body: the Mist of Mental Contamination, which caused pain in the minds of its victims, and the Mist of Elimination, which could erase victims and their memories from the surroundings. The White Whale also had the power to break the spirits of those who were unprepared with its roar and could spawn clones to split its power and weight during heavy attacks.  


Those elemental spirits are worshiped by certain creatures and cults. The methods for summoning elemental spirits remain hidden in forbidden tomes or inscribed on the walls of lost temples raised to honor the spirits. Only casters of superlative skill have even the faintest chance of calling forth one of these spirits, and the spellcaster is often destroyed by the effort. Thus, only the most unhinged and nihilistic members of Elemental Evil cults attempt such a summoning, in the hope of hastening the world toward some cataclysmic end. Releasing the White Whale from the Inner Planes creates an explosion of silvery mist that spreads across the sky, causing pain in the mind of people, and making them forget their loved ones.. The enormous whale in the center of the mist.

White Whale

(Spirit of Weave)

Beast of the silver void, Spirit of weave
Chaotic Neutral

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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