Weavegrass Species in Toriel | World Anvil


Weavegrass is a mystical plant deeply intertwined with elven culture and renowned for its extraordinary properties. Flourishing in the serene realms of the elven forests, this delicate grass holds a magical essence that transcends the mundane.   The slender blades of weavegrass possess a natural affinity for the Weave, enabling them to absorb and channel Magic in unique ways. The elves, with their profound connection to nature and mastery of high magic have harnessed the power of this plant to craft extraordinary garments, most notably the Cloak of Elvenkind.   Harvesting weavegrass requires great care and reverence to preserve its link to the weave. The elves have developed ancient techniques, passed down through generations, to extract the essence of the plant while preserving its magical integrity. Each blade is meticulously harvested.   The harvested blades of weavegrass are carefully woven together by skilled elven artisans. This intricate process melds the magical essence of the plant with the craftsmanship of the weaver, creating a fabric unlike any other. The resulting material possesses a subtle shimmer, and exudes a faint scent of wildflowers and nature's embrace.

General Information

Scientific name
Geographic Distribution
Upper half of @sini


Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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